Chapter Forty-Four

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Tony sank back into his pillow with a low sigh. He couldn't remember the last time he hurt this much. The headache alone was enough to drive him insane, never mind the swelling in his jaw. Still, when the bedroom door opened and Kelly came into the room, he found he didn't mind the pain quite so much. As long as she was near, he could handle pretty much anything.

"You're still awake? I'd have thought the Vicodin would've knocked you out," she murmured, sinking onto the edge of the bed.

"I haven't taken it yet." At her insistence, they'd gone to Robert Wood on their way home from the Hilton and x-rays confirmed his right cheekbone had been fractured as well.

"He cracked your cheekbone, Tony. Don't be a tough guy. Take the pain meds."

"I will." He laced his fingers with hers. "Are the girls still celebrating?"

"They are planning an engagement party for us."

"Who are they inviting?"

"Right now? Everyone on the football team and the trainers I work with." She smiled down at him, reaching down to smooth his hair away from his forehead. His eyes closed at the gentle touch. There would never be a time when just the brush of her hand against him didn't make his breath harder to catch. He was sure of it. "I think they're happy for us."

"Good. I'm glad all four of them are. Going to get interesting around here. Somehow, I never really thought I'd be living The Brady Bunch."

"I know, right?" Her fingers moved so lightly over his hair, he only barely felt it and yet, he had to hold back a sigh at the same time.

"What about you, baby?" he murmured, giving her hand a slight squeeze. "Are you happy?"

"Are you serious?" she whispered, the hand on his hair going still. "Of course I am."

She bent and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Are you?"

"What do you think? If it weren't for the fact that I'm still not entirely convinced my lower jaw isn't about to fall off, and I haven't had a headache this bad since my college hangover days, I'd have you out celebrating in that hotel room until neither one of us could walk." He managed to smile, which was no easy feat. The slightest movement sent fiery pain streaking through the lower half of his face and that only made his headache worse. The amber vial of Vicodin stood on his nightstand, along with a bottle of water.  He sat up to pop open the vial and dumped two pills into his palm. He tossed them back, swallowed a mouthful of water, and sank into the pillows once more.

"Well, we can do that when you're a little less battered," she sighed softly, still stroking his hair. "You look wiped out, Tony."

"I know. And that's better than how I feel." He gazed up at her. The room was dark, the only light coming from the glow of the television, and in the glow, Kelly looked almost angelic. His beautiful girl. It was too bad it took him twenty-five years to find her. If he'd done so sooner, Deirdre might have green eyes instead of brown, and Shane might be smaller than an average ten year old, with golden-brown eyes instead of blue. And all four would bear his name.

But at the same time, things worked out the way they were supposed to, and he'd take finding Kelly now, when the timing was perfect.

"What's the matter, Tony? You're staring."

He smiled. A pleasant warmth spread through him. "You're so beautiful, baby, do you know that? Do you have any idea how hot you really are?"

"I think your Vicodins are kicking in."

"Maybe, but it's true." He squeezed her hand. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"Now I know the Vikes are working."

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