Chapter One

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Amy lifted up tree branch and looked around the dark forest. "It's so dark, ugh! I shouldn't have stayed late at Cream's house." Amy scolded herself. "Good thing I know this shortcut!" She beamed.

Amy jumped when she heard a large snap of a branch from behind her. She quickly turned around and scanned the area.

A pair of green eyes stared at her, she had no idea she was being watched. The eyes watched her every movement, every muscle that she moved, the eyes saw.

Amy looked back and forth once again. When she felt safe, she turned around and started walking again. "It was probably just a raccoon or something." Amy thought, trying to sound more brave than she was.

The green eyes narrowed as Amy began to walk quicker. It also watched as she wondered around the forest helplessly. The beast the eyes belonged to obviously could see she had no idea where she was going. It followed her, intrigued with this new exotic creature.

Amy sighed, feeling defeated as she slumped to the forest floor. "Great, I'm lost! Now what will I do?" She growled and put her head in her knees. "Sonic can't find me here. No cellphone bats or anything!" Amy hugged angrily.

"Well at least it can't get worse..." Amy sighed and stood up. She dusted herself off and began walking again. She wasn't on a path anymore, so she had to be careful where she placed her feet. As she walked down a steep hill, she had to hold onto a tree branch.

"I wish Sonic were here..." Amy complained. She could only imagine Sonic running through the forest in desperate search for her. Then he'd find her and he'd hold her and run her back to his house. Amy squealed with delight. It was perfect! Sonic wouldn't want her to go to her house in the dark, so she'd stay with him. Amy got happier and happier with each thought.

The beast was keeping a steady eye on her. If she fell or tripped he'd be there to help, but he was more interested in how her body moved. He walked on all fours and only for a limited time could walk upright. He was mesmerized by her body.

Amy let go of the branch and almost immediately slipped on a wet log. She let out a loud high-pitched scream. The beast was pulled from its trance and skidded down the hill to where she was. 

She laid on her back, her head bleeding. The beast whined and paced around her body. He used its big nose to nudge her, but she wouldn't stand up. The beast grew worried and barked at her for a desperate attempt to wake her up. Soon, the beast decided the best thing to do was take her to his cave.

He gently used his teeth to pick her up my the neck of her dress. The beast then threw her on his back. He walked slowly down the hill, careful to make sure Amy wouldn't fall. His green eyes would look back to make sure she was still on him from time to time.

The beast approached his cave and slowly walked in, making sure there wasn't an intruder. The beast slowly lowered himself to the ground and rolled Amy gently off his back to the floor. He stood up and again, paced around her. He whimpered more and nudged her head.

The beast opened his mouth slightly to lick Amy's wound. He whined as he tried his best to help her back to health. Eventually, the beast gave up on addressing her wound. He instead started to circle around her. When he found a good place to lay down, he brought her closer to his side. Even through all his fur, he could feel Amy's cold body.

He tried to address her wound while he kept her warm. As the beast licked Amy's head, her quills got tangled and put into cow licks. After addressing the wound more, the beast laid its big head down on Amy's lap. He took in a deep breath from his mouth and breathed out his nose heavily.

He whined as his green eyes slowly looked up at Amy. She looked so peaceful, but the beast only saw her wound. He wished he could get rid of her wound, clean it better, anything to make her happy.

He took one more big inhale and exhale before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

•Later that Night•

Amy moaned and kicked her legs, desperate to remove whatever was on top of her. She felt too hot, she was sweating from all the heat. Her eyes flew open when she heard a loud grunt. She looked down and saw the beast sitting up. It towered over her, Amy let out a fearful shriek.

"Aghhh!!!" Amy screamed and jumped up, summoning her hammer. The beast jumped back, now on high alert. Amy shook as she got into a fighting position. The beast blocked the exit and was scanning the cave. Amy stood there, ready for an attack for about two minutes, before she realized the beast had no intention of attacking her.

Amy dropped her hammer and slowly approached the growling beast. "H-Hey there... Big guy? I-I'm just gonna go away now." Amy tried to go around the beast, but it wouldn't let her go anywhere.

The beast didn't think Amy could care for herself and wished to care for her. Amy's head was still in pain as well. The beast stood up on its hind legs in front of Amy. Now, the beast was about three heads taller than her. Amy gasped when the beast immediately fell back to the ground, sending Amy falling backwards.

"H-Hey now... I-I need to get going. P-Pl-Please let me leave. I-" The beast interrupted Amy with a loud authoritative bark. Amy pushed herself against the wall and picked up her nearby hammer. She held it in front of her as a shield.

The beast slowly approached her. He put his paws on the wall by her head, so she couldn't escape him. Next, he began to sniff her head, to make sure the wound hadn't reopened. Amy whimpered, scared that the beast would kill her. When he finished investing her head, he tried to calm Amy by rubbing his nose on her cheek. Amy, not knowing the wolf body language, only got more scared. She quickly fainted after that.

Once again, the huge beast laid down around Amy, keeping her warm. His head, again, resting in her lap. 

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