Chapter Two

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Sonic's eyes fluttered open. His back hurt and he felt full of angst. His entire body as well felt sore. He rolled up to this knees and yawned. He licked his lips a few times as he looked around his environment.

Then he turned around and saw Amy. His eyes dilated and widened when they focused on her head wound. ", no, no!" Sonic, still on his knees, crawled over to beside Amy. "Wh-What did I do to her?" Sonic asked himself, as he inspected her wound. "Amy?" Sonic said and shook her shoulder. "Ames?" He shook her again, his voice sounding desperate. "Amy, please wake up! Amy, are you okay?" Sonic pressed his ear to Amy's heart. It was a steady beat.

Sonic let out a relieved breath, yet he was still superstitious of her wound. He wasn't sure what brought upon his night transformation, but he had been scared of this happening. He didn't want his friends to know, he didn't want them to get hurt. Sonic couldn't control himself in that form. He didn't know what he would do in that state.

"I'm sorry, Amy. I didn't mean to hurt you, at least I don't think so." Amy stirred and opened her eyes. "Sonic?" She gasped and threw her arms around his neck. Sonic and Amy both went flying to the ground."Woah, calm down, Ames." Sonic chuckled, glad she was okay for the most part. "H-How'd you get that nasty head wound?"

Amy let him go and blinked. "Oh! That's right! This thing?" She tapped the wound only to flinch. "Ow... That wasn't s good idea." She stated, giggling at her own misfortune. Sonic stared at her, waiting for her answer, worry written all over his face.

"I think I tripped and fell into this cave. Then when I woke up there was this wolf-beast-thing." Sonic's fur stood on end. "It trapped me here and wouldn't let me leave. I tried to run, but it went up on its hind legs and pushed me back. I think I fainted of freight." Amy laughed.

"How is she laughing? She could've died! I could've...killed her." Sonic stood up, dusting himself off. "Well, now you know not to go wondering around in the forest." He grinned at her. Amy giggled, "I suppose so."

Sonic offered his hand to her. She smiled as he pulled her up to her feet. He pulled a little too hard and she ended up standing on his feet. They were nose to nose. Sonic felt something in his throat. Like he was about to make a sound, but he swallowed and stopped himself.

"L-Lets get you h-home." Sonic stuttered nervously. He picked her up and ran her to her house quickly.

•That Night•

Amy was sitting on her bed. She was watching a video on YouTube, a bag of popcorn by her side. She sighed with boredom and shut off her laptop. "I guess the best thing to do now is sleep..."

Outside Amy's house were two familiar green eyes, both glaring at her bedroom window. They were calm and gentle at the moment. Amy crawled into her bed; after slipping into her PJ's. To the beasts eyes, who were now right at her window, she looked like an angel.

He whined outside her window and scratched the window frantically. He barked loudly until eventually, Amy opened the window to see the commotion. "Woah..." Amy said. "How did you even find me?" She looked left and right out her window. "You won't hurt me, right?" She asked the beast.

It responded with a loud bark and launched itself through her window. It landed on top of her and licked her face frantically, his tail wagging so much his entire body was shaking. He flopped his entire weight down on to her and licked her more and rubbed against her face. "Woah, chill out!" Amy giggled and pushed him off her. She sat on her bed, which would most likely break if the beast were on it.

Amy smiled at the beast as he placed his abnormally large head in her lap. He let in a large breath then exhaled heavily through his nose. "What even are you?" Amy asked as she scratched his ears. "I've never seen something like you. I guess I'll have to make something up."

After a few moments in thought, Amy came up with an idea. "A werehog! That's what I'll call you!" The werehog's tail wagged rapidly as it licked her nose. "Aww! You're so cute! I wonder why Sonic didn't want me to see you again?"

The werehog's eyes widened and was replaced with a protective glare. It let out a small growl. Amy, not knowing what caused this, scooted away from the werehog. The werehog quickly realized his mistake and whined. He jumped up on her bed, causing it to creak.

"H-Hey! No! Off the bed!" Amy shouted. The werehog whined more as he was forced to the floor. He was obviously tormented by the thought of being away from her, that much was clear to Amy.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. You're not in trouble." Amy put a hand down the side of her bed. The werehog licked it and rested his head on it as well. Amy petted his head and scratched his ears. "I suppose you can stay here for tonight. Then, in the morning, I'll invite Sonic over to see you."

The beast, still didn't like this "Sonic" she kept referring to. He saw him as a threat, an enemy. He felt Amy pull her hand away and before he had time to whin, she was on the floor next to him. He licked her cheek and wagged his tail, making thumping sounds across the floor.

"You need a name, don't you?" Amy asked as the beast wrapped himself around Amy to keep her warm. "Hmm... You wouldn't mind being called Sonikku, would you? It might make Sonic like you." His ears drew back and snarled, highly uncomfortable with the choice in the name. "Oh well, I'll think of it tomorrow."

With that, Amy rested head on him and fell asleep in his fur.

SonAmy Werehog: Dark Nights, Dreamy MorningsWhere stories live. Discover now