Chapter Four (Final)

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Amy yawned and stretched her arms as she blinked her eyes awake. She felt the large furry figure that paid beside her; that had protected her through the night. The werehog wagged its tail and licked Amy's face. "'re so sweet."

Amy stood up and slipped on some slippers. "Come on, you're probably hungry." Amy went to her kitchen, followed closely by the werehog. With every creak the floor made, he would growl slightly. Amy giggled and petted his soft furry head. "I'll give you a ham, okay?"

Amy got into her kitchen and grabbed some ham for the werehog. He was grateful for the food and devoured it within seconds. Amy smiled at him and pat his head once again. "Go on outside, you probably need to use the bathroom." Amy walked him to the door and let him outside.

The werehog stretched out his legs and trotted around the house. He knew this was his home. His mate was here, so this was his territory. No one came in or out without his say so.

But deep inside this creatures mind, was Sonic. He had hidden away, he wasn't willing to fight the beast anymore. Amy hates him, what more was there for him to do? He didn't want to come back and face her. Sonic simply couldn't do it, not right now. So, the beast was completely in control, for now.

After about 16 minutes, Amy called the Werehog back in. He bounded towards her and licked her face excitedly. "Aww! Calm down, baby!" Amy laughed and kissed his muzzle. He calmed down easily and watched as Amy smiled. He stuck his tongue out and jumped into a play position.

"Sorry, bud... I wanna go call Sonic and apologize for yesterday. I feel really bad about how I treated him. He didn't deserve any of that."

Amy picked up her phone and called his number. She let it dial and ring; it went straight to voicemail. "Hmm? That's weird. Even if we were upset with each other, he'd always answer his phone."

Amy slumped to the floor. "He must really be mad at me..." She groaned and hit her head on the wall. "Why is it so hard to love him?" The werehog whined at her; seeing her so dismal made him uncomfortable. His mate should be happy 24/7.

He crawled on his stomach to Amy and used his muzzle to rub her head. He was extremely worried over his mate. "What can I do? Maybe... I should just go to his house? Yeah! I'll do that!"

Amy patted the werehog and kissed the top of his head. "Come on, let's go!" Amy and the werehog ran to Sonics' house.

Amy gasped when she entered. Sonic was no where to be seen. He hadn't picked up his phone, and he wasn't at his house. Where could he be?

The werehog's ears perked up at the sound of a floor board creaking. Amy turned around to see Eggman, grinning evilly. The werehog stood in front of Amy, his fur stood on end and he bared his teeth.

"No Sonic, I see. He's abandoned you has he?" Eggman laughed. "N-No! He just left actually... He-He'll be back soon!" Amy told Eggman, matter-of-factly.

"Oh, my bad, yes, he 'just left'. He left yesterday, Pinky. I've been spying on him. You'll be surprised to know how close he is." Eggman snickered. His attention went to the werehog. "Hello there... my little nemesis."

The werehog growled and grew even more defensive. Behind him, a robot grabbed Amy and quickly shot through the ceiling. The werehog yelped when it saw Amy was gone.

"Farewell, Sonic!" Eggman shouted as the same robot that grabbed Amy grabbed Eggman.

The werehog ran out of his human forms' house as fast as he could to see Amy. Above the house was Eggmans' flying ship.

The werehog wasn't fast enough to catch up to Eggman's ship, once it had taken off. Even on all fours it was too slow. It growled at itself. Amy was up there! How was he going to get up there? If he couldn't gain enough speed soon, Amy would be lost.

The werehog growled when it realized what it would have to do. It closed its eyes and slowly... slowly... gave up the fight for this body. His long fluffy fur disappeared, his fangs shrunk, and his claws shortened. He was himself again, finally.

Sonic gasped, memories flooded back, causing an agonizing headache. "No... Shake it off! Amy needs me!" Sonic stood up and saw Eggmans' ship. "Amy! I'm coming!" Sonic ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Then, he jumped to the air and spin dashed through the side.

Sonic crashed right into the cell Eggman had thrown Amy into. "Sonic?!" Amy gasped and flung herself into his arms. Sonic held onto her tightly. "Come on, we have to go!" Sonic said as he picked her up bridal style. "I'll never let you go." He thought happily. With that, he jumped out of the ship and spin dashed safely to the ground.

Sonic placed Amy down after they landed. "Sonic! Please don't be angry! I'm sorry I yelled!" Amy begged and cried out. "I'm not mad, Ames. I promise." Sonic smiled at her. "Thank God... D-Do you wanna meet the werehog I found? He's sweet and-"

"Amy... I have to tell you something about that... creature." Sonic interrupted her.

•One Hour Later•

"I can't believe it... He was you all along?" Amy looked up at Sonic. He nodded, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was planning on it, I promise."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?! I was so worried and sometimes I was scared. I never would've yelled at you if I knew!" Amy yelled at him.

Sonic chuckled and sat down beside the flustered Amy. "You know... I remember everything that happens in that form." Amy's face immediately blushed into a bright red. "I love you too." Sonic whispered in her ear. Amy was speechless. Her face was as red as the dress she wore. "Aw, Ames, you're so cute!"

"B-Be quiet! I-I never said I loved you! Just that it was hard to... Love... You."

Sonic smiled and gave her an I-told-you-so look. "Whatever... I love you, there? Happy?" Amy said and crossed her arms. "Extremely." Sonic responded and kissed her cheek. "Come on, let's get home."


Yes, I know, worst ending ever, the chapter is rushed, the book was too short, I know. I'm sorry guys, I wasn't planning on this to be a long book, and it was torture writing because I was running out of ideas on what to do. Hope the crappy ending was enough to keep you guys at least moderately happy.

Love ya!!

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