Chapter 2 - Meetings and Weirdness!

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Hi everyone, I know this story may seem cliché at first but don't worry that are lots of twists and turns just around the corners, Enjoy

-----------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2------------------------------------------------------------------

As quick as a blink of an eye four boys appeared in front of us, but one with a more familiar face than the rest...

"Liam!" I shouted, running into his open arms. I breathed in his familiar smell - leather, amber and cedarwood.

"It's been so long Lucy, the last time I saw you I must of been...nine years old!" He exclaimed giving me another hug.

It's safe to say that Liam had certainly changed, instead of his spiked up hair he had when he was nine, he had a "buzz" cut, and he had got a lot more tanned as well, but he still had the same golden brown eyes that were nearly identical to mine even though we weren't related. I turned and looked around seeing that the other four boys were looking at me strangely,

"Oh, hi I'm Lucy Brown the new x-factor stylist and I know Liam because he was my neighbour until I moved to California" I explained to the boys.

"Hi I'm Louis" Louis said.

"Don't worry about introducing yourselves, I know Niall...but I'm sorry what's your name" I ask to the dark haired mysterious boy, who had eyes like melted chocolate... O.K STOP DAYDREAMING!

"I'm Zayn" He said with no expression put into his voice, I was shocked, all the other boys had been so nice and welcoming - what's up with him? The other boys seemed a bit put off too by Zayns sudden mood swing.

"Hi...?" I said but it came out more of a question.  

"O.K then, I think Zayn's on his man period, so..." Louis exclaimed, making Zayn give him a death glare and making me chuckle under my breath, unfortunately Zayn heard so I put my head down and let my chocolate brown hair cover my face while I was silently laughing.

"Where's Niall?" Harry questioned, I looked around and spotted him by the food trolley asking if they served Nandos on the plane! 

"I wouldn't like to be her right now" Liam muttered, smiling,

"Why" I questioned,

"Because nothing gets between Nialler and food" Louis said "But for me, nothing gets between me and carrots"

"Carrots!" I exclaimed "Really!" 

"Yes, really and if you have a problem with it you can get off this plane!" Louis exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air,

 "But Louis, were in the -"I started but I was cut off by Louis,

"Do you really want to argue with the sass master?" Louis said

"But-" I argued, but I was cut off once again, this seems to be happening a lot today

"Do you" He said faking anger

"No" I said backing down, seeing that I was never going to win, out the corner of my eye I could see Zayn smiling but once Zayn realised I was looking at him his face went back to stone.

While the boys were laughing at Louis's outburst, I sat back and thought - not even an hour into the trip and I had made five - wait - four friends. I don't know what's wrong with Zayn because I have never even met him before so what could I have done?

I will worry about that later, I thought as I sat back and shared jokes with my four new friends!

Hair gel, Bow Ties, & Unpredictable Events- A One Direction RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now