Chapter [3]

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Chapter 3

Icee stepped backward as she tried searching her mind 'bout anyone, anyone, that has a possibility of visiting their house today. Her heart beat accelerated when she remembered the words that came out of Aaron just a while ago.

"It's not like you three would be the next missing persons that'll air in tonight's news report," he had said. Curiosity then filled her mind. Aaron mentioned next missing persons. Does that mean they already aired a news report about a missing person just recently?

Three continuous knocks were echoed across the empty house and Icee crept into the living room to open the television. When she did, the channel was exactly on the local news. She watched for a few minutes but no report about a missing person came up. She sighed.

He was just scaring you, she said to herself, no need to be afraid.

She gathered up the courage to open the door only to reveal her annoyed mother. "Icee! Don't you know I'm already late for work? Why did it take you ages to open up the door?!" her mother almost screamed.

Icee's expression changed to a sour look. Her mother wasn't going to work. She was going to the bar to drink with her bitch friends. A habit that she had taken up after her father had died.

Her mother hurriedly scurried inside the house and snatched the pink purse that she left on the coffee table. "Lock the door, sweetheart! Don't wait for me, okay? I'll probably be back by morning," she said without even looking back at her own daughter.

When Icee saw her mother climb into a taxi, she angrily slammed the door close. It made a loud banging sound that would've woken up anybody in the house. But there was nobody in the house except for her. Icee was alone, once again.

Before she could even take a step, she heard a knock on the door again. But anger was in her system just after the incident with her mother, no space for fear. She immediately opened the door, greeting whoever was on the other side with a venomous glare. Her glare quickly vanished when she was met with cold wind brushing against the side of her face and an empty porch.

The familiar set of chills ran down her spine and the hair on her arms suddenly stood up. "Who's there?" Icee called, which was the illogical thing to do. She could've just closed the door and ran up to her room with her music tuned up loud on her earphones, but no. For a moment, she forgot the she was scared of almost everything but she refused to show it.

Icee shook her head, saying again and again that it was just the wind and was about to close the door when something got stuck by the door the prevented it from actually closing. She looked down, fear-stricken, to see a shoe stuck by the doorway. Immediately, she raised her gaze up and let out a scream when she saw a face that suddenly popped up from the little space the door made.

"Calm down! It's just me!" Aaron's grin faded when he heard how scared the girl was. He only meant scaring her as a joke. And he dropped by just to return the umbrella that Icee left by her seat.

With widened eyes and a racing heartbeat, Icee tried to calm herself. She mentally cursed Aaron for scaring her after she went all paranoid a while ago. It ruined her image as a girl who looks brave and mean all the time. And it was Aaron who was the reason.

"Uhm-er . . . Sorry. I'm just here to uh—return this to you." Aaron felt a sense of guilt after what just happened. He'd never seen the girl scared and embarrassed consecutively.

Icee took the umbrella from his hand and quickly closed the door, not wanting any more actions that will cause unnecessary embarrassing moments. She quickly turned off the television which was still running and went up the stairs, two steps at a time. She headed straight to her room, didn't bother to turn on the lights and went to bed early.

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