Chapter [7]

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Chapter 7

Her grip on her backpack tightened. Her lungs felt constricted. Her palms became sweaty and clammy. Her eyes looked paranoid.

Icee had never felt terrified like this in her entire life. She was afraid to take another step forward, into that dreaded classroom after the revelations she found out.

One of them was responsible for hurting Carla and murdering Patricia. The text message and the intruder in her house yesterday proved it. It also proved Aaron's theory. But . . . that's impossible. They're just high school students!

The thought of high school students capable of doing something this monstrous makes Icee feel sick to her stomach. It made her thought otherwise. Somehow, she found this faith inside of her that nobody did anything. Unless she was presented with hard evidence, she won't believe even a fraction of Aaron's theory.

She jumped when she felt a hand on the small of her back. She quickly turned her head, her heart thumping in her chest, thinking it was the perpetrator that she just dismissed in her thought.

"Relax," Aaron's soothing voice whispered in her ear. "It's just me. Calm down, you look like you're gonna shit yourself."

If only I wasn't terrified, I'm going to beat you to death, she thought while she glared at Aaron.

Aaron inhaled sharply when he saw the expression on the girl's face. She was really pale; it looked like she was sick. Damn it, she must be so scared right now, Aaron thought. He has no idea what could make the girl feel better. He actually thought she was going to be perfect for the other pair of eyes for this case when he met her for the first time. She was fierce, like nobody could drag her down so easily.

At least that was what she showed for the first few days. Now that Aaron has the possibility to get to know her better, he concluded that she was too weak for this. It made him want to take back the words he said last night at the hospital. Even so, he still needed to keep an eye on her for she knows some information that could never be released from her lips.

"Calm down or they'll know what's up, Icee," Aaron tried again to calm her down. He sighed, frustrated. He grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her away from the classroom.

Icee let him do what he wanted. She never wanted to step foot in that classroom again and she was glad that Aaron was having the initiative to do so. She only reacted when she realized that they were walking towards the parking lot. "Where are we going?" she asked.

But Aaron didn't answer her question. He opened a car door and let Icee slide in the front seat as he positioned himself in the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" Icee asked again when Aaron started the car's engine.

"Away from here," he finally said and Icee released a shaky breath.

He started driving to someplace but Icee was too preoccupied with her thoughts to even care. She stared out the window as she tried to make sense of their situation.

"Who's doing this?" she asked. It was supposed to be asked only to herself, but she didn't notice that she said it out loud.

"We have a number of suspects and the most suspicious right now is Agata."

Icee closed her eyes as she tried to regain her normal breathing pattern. "Why her?"

"Well," he started, "she knows so much information about everyone. And I'm not surprise if she is spying on us right now," he said. The thought of someone spying on them right now made Icee experience chills down her spine. It was terrifying, somebody who was easily listening in to their conversation right now.

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