Chapter 1

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"Sign here to agree that you have understood the risks involved in using our equipment and that we are not to be held responsible if you are injured and/or die." the receptionist spoke pointing to the bottom of the page. -Die? As if the receptionist heard Anna's thoughts she spoke "Don't worry the closest we've seen to death is a few idiots who passed out on the treadmill but it is possible." Anna grinned as if she wasn't totally freaked out. "I think that is it Ms. Finch, if you'd like you can follow our intern Ian for a tour of the gym." Ian soon came into Anna's view and boy did she like what she saw. Ian looked about 5'10" merely three inches taller than her. His biceps peeking through his Beletier's Body Burn Gym tank top. "Right this way." Ian spoke moving his hand to the very bottom of her back slightly guiding her in the direction of the locker rooms.


In the locker room Ian showed Anna where she would be putting her personal items, changing and showering if she so wanted to do so after sessions. He handed her very own locker key and moved on with the tour.

"This first floor consist of just Cardio, that is why you see multiple treadmills, bicycles and elliptical machines. You don't usually see trainers on this level, unless they themselves are working out during their break." Anna scanned the room seeing a handful of both woman and men working up a sweat. She smiled at some as she walked by Ian's side exiting the large room and moving towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

As they reached the second floor Anna saw that most women where to the left side of the room."The second floor is split into two different sides, as you can already tell one side is for woman and one is for men, both sides focus on strength training. Some might say its a bit sexist but in my opinion it was a great idea some woman don't exactly feel comfortable strength training around men and that is why Mr. Beletier did the split in rooms."
Anna agreed. "Yes, I love the idea I am also one of those women who are completely insecure of lifting around men." With that being said they headed up to the 3rd floor in the building. -Jesus I'm having a workout with out even getting started. Anna quickly whipped the small amount of sweat laying on her forehead hoping Ian didn't notice the gesture and or how out of shape she truly was. "Don't worry this is the last flight of stairs we will be climbing today, the fourth floor is for private practices only exclusive to Paul Beletier himself with personal clients." Anna sighed in relief giving a quick thankful prayer that the 'workout' was done. "So the final floor is separated into two different hallways, one hallway is for yoga related sessions, depending on your experience you will be attending the class you desire. The other hallway is for HIIT sessions, so high intense workouts, if you've ever done P90X that is basically what you would be doing again depending on your experience with HIIT you attend the class you want." Anna smiled excitedly. "Wow! this gym is literally a gym paradise." "Yes, yes it is, if you don't have any questions would you like to get a sneak peak in a Yoga session held by Paul himself?" "Yes I would love to." As they walked down the right hallway, three doors down Ian softly opened the door pushing the door open and moving into the far corner of the room as Anna followed behind silently closing the door behind her.

Sensing others in the room Paul immediately shifted his eyes open locking his eyes with a not so short brunette, she looked about 5'6"ish, her hair was long and wavy but seemed to be pulled up into a ponytail. His eyes trailed down to her body, she was curvy not exactly the petite kind of gal, he guessed her cup size to be a mild C, her hips being a lot wider than what he liked in a woman. She was not exactly his type but something about her drew him in. As if he had not been starring at her for the past three or so minutes he continued with the yoga lesson.

-Well with that look, I'm guessing he doesn't like me at all, what a twat he hasn't even met me yet, I'm fucking great.

Several minutes went by and soon Paul dismissed the class, as if to prove Paul wrong Anna walked towards him as he began to put his mat away. "Hi, I'm Anna Finch I just joined your gym and am so grateful to have experienced watching you as you worked" Anna held her hand out as if expecting Paul to shake it. He didn't. He looked her over a stern look on his face. "I don't know about you but people who have morals shake others hands when greeting." Anna spoke as fiery started show in her eyes. "Excuse me?" Paul spoke completely shocked that anyone would do what that woman had just done just seconds before. "You heard me, people who have morals shake others hands when greeting especially if the other person already has their hand out." she said biting her lip, as he went to reach her hand she let hers fall onto her side leaving him with his arm extended towards her, embarrassing himself. "I changed my mind." she spoke as he bawled his hand into a fist. Paul's face went red, no one has ever pissed him off so fast as Anna just did.
-Who the fuck does he think he is, just because he is the owner of this gym doesn't mean he can treat me with such disrespect.

"Lets try this again Ms. Finch" Paul stretched his arm forward as Anna gave his hand a strong shake. "Good, I am glad you have joined my gym. I'm guessing I will be seeing you at my 7 am yoga class tomorrow morning?" raising his eyebrow, thinking he was testing her Anna smirked and agreed. "7 am sharp." with those final words she walked away swaying her hips left and right leaving him to stare at her behind as she left.

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