Chapter 3

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"Good morning Heather." Anna smiled greeting the receptionist as she made her way up to meet Paul.
"Good morning Anna." Heather replied.
As Anna made her way up she became nervous, she didnt know what to expect from this session. Sliding the key card through its slot a green light lit and she opened the door slowly peeking in. The room was huge, there was a lot of open space to the left side of the room there were some boxing dummies and the rest of the room was empty except for the projector that hung from the top of the ceiling to the right of the room.

"You're early." Paul looked up from his booklet a little suprised that she had arrived alot earlier than what he had expected, that alone impressed him. Putting his booklet to the side of his desk he took her in, she wore tight black leggings that laid just a few inches below her knees and had covered herself this time, she wore a pink tank top. That seemed to bother Paul. He wanted to see all of her, her sexy hips and beautiful cleavage. He growled at just the thought of touching her amazing body. He didnt know exactly why he found such a strong attraction to her besides her intrusive attitude, she was definitely not his type. He was attracted to petite blondes, the kind you see walking down the isle in a Victoria Secret fashion show.

"Don't flatter yourself Mr. Beletier the only reason I am early today is because I have farther more important people to meet with after this."
Paul immediately came to the conclusion that she was probably meeting another man.
This also angered him.
"Ah lunch date?" he spoke coming closer
"Yes indeed it is a lunch date but thats none of your consern." she spoke setting down her water bottle.

"Okay then lets start with some stretching, bend forward and touch your toes."
Anna did as she was told. Paul walked around inspecting her.
"Good, you'll soon be able to touch your toes, now stand up straight."
Anna continued to follow directions, Paul loved this.
"Wow your posture is terrible, do you sit at a desk all day?"
"How'd you guess?"
"Your shoulders slump forward."
-She sits at a desk all day while I'm active all day, completely different lifestyles.
Paul thought to himself.

Paul grabbed a hold of her shoulders pushing them back just slightly. His movement surprised Anna, making her completely lose balance falling back, his hands still at her shoulders quickly moved behind her back and another behind her head to prevent her from injury. They were about an inch or so away from eachother, he licked his lips as he started closing in. "Whoops, clumsy me." Anna spoke making Paul flinch back slightly, she looked up at him with a devilish grin.

He pulled himself up in push up position and got back up on his feet brushing off his shirt feeling annoyed that she had just regected him.
"We will practice on that?"

"My posture or the tumbling over almost kissing me part?" Anna asked standing herself up and brushing off her leggings.
This drove him crazy. He turned red embarrassed that she had notice his efforts in trying to kiss her.

"I was not trying to kiss you, if that's what you we're thinking." Paul put his arms at his sides.
"So licking your lips and inching in forward closer than we already we're was you not trying to kiss me?" Anna raised her right eyebrow copying Paul's pose.

"No that was not."
"Sooo..denial?" she said letting her arms drop.
"I am not in denial and I am not denying anything."
"So you don't deny that you we're trying to kiss me?"
Growing irritated Paul started to pace.
"No I am saying I was not trying to kiss you."
"So you didnt want to kiss me?" Anna faked a hurt expression.
"I never said that!" raising his voice.
"So you do want to kiss me?"
"God you are the most irritating woman I have ever met!" He yelled bringing his hands to the sides of his head massaging his temples. He opened his eyes and looked straight at her beautiful golden brown eyes and in that moment he could no longer contain himself.
He marched towards her grabbing on to her thick hips and pushing them against the wall.

Anna gasps and before she knew it his lips we're all over hers. His lips moving in sync with hers. Soft, slowly and passionate. Paul kissed with need not with want. Like he needed this kiss more than he needed air to breathe. He needed to prove to himself that he could kiss her the way that he was now and feel nothing.
Only to find himself dissappointed because the deeper into the kiss the stronger the feeling got but he didn't pull himself away he was determined to feel nothing.

Anna on the other hand was enjoying every second of it. The way he flicked his tongue was quiet interesting. Looking for a way to piss him off some more she stopped moving. She knew if she pushed just the right amount of buttons he would break and do exactly as she expected.

He pulled away walking to the other side of the room and stopping briefly facing his back to her.

"Posture." He finally spoke.
"Posture?" Anna questioned.
Paul turned around.
"The thing we will be practicing on." He spoke answering her earlier question.

"Posture." Paul gave a nod.


Hope you all enjoyed this short chapter, sorry for the absence!


I will be updating more frequently maybe a chapter or so every 2 days.
I do work a busy schedule so please bear with me.

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