Chapter 2

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Anna Finch was not one to be up before sunrise but ever since last nights encounter with Paul, she decided its time to actually get it together. It was now 5:50 am and she was determined to dress in the cutest Lululemon's work out gear ever. Scanning her closet she grabbed a pair of gray spandex leggings with an orange stripe on each side of the leg and to match the same colored orange sports bra with gray detailing. Starring at herself in the mirror she became self conscious but immediately erased all negative thoughts in her head.
-I'm hot, no matter what size I am.
Anna was curvy, her hips larger than average you could say she wore the hourglass figure pretty well, but she always hated that about herself. The slightly oversized hips, thighs and ass.

She never really cared for fitness but decided to join her local gym for an extra hobby besides sitting at her desk for over 12 hours a day designing artwork.

The time on her phone now read 6:20 am as she made her way to the kitchen to grab a fruit smoothie from her fridge, one she pre-made the night before. Grabbing her car keys and yoga mat she went on her way to the gym.
"Cant keep my hands to myself." Anna sang while driving into the gym's parking lot.
"Cant keep my hands to myself, I mean I could but why would I want to." she continued parking, swaying her hips and moving her body to the beat only to hear a deep hearty chuckle from someone, she stopped and looked up to see Ian had parked right next to her.
"I see someone's enjoying herself" he spoke still holding back a laugh of amusement.
"Well I got to make mornings live-able, being up at this time is pure insanity." they laughed as they walked in together she went straight to her locker putting away her purse, car keys and moving up to the 3rd floor. As she walked to studio Y3 she noticed they had already begun, she looked down at her Fitbit to see it was still 6:55 am, she walked in quietly and walked all way to the end of the class room laying down her mat. Noone else really seemed to care of her being 'late' when she really wasn't except for one person.
"You're late." Paul's voice boomed across the entire room.
Anna didn't care that he had just put her on the spot, at least she made it look like she didnt.
"I beg to differ Mr. Beletier everyone else is simply early, it is not yet 7." and with a smirk and wink she went straight to downward dog.
Paul cleared his throat to get the rest of the class' attention on him. He didnt know what it was about her but the way she talked back to him as if she didn't care of his title sort of turned him on. To see such raw attitude from a female, especially since he was use to females following every order with a 'please' and 'thank you'.
Paul continued instructing everyone to hold the downward dog pose for as long as he said so. He walked across the room looking at everyones form.
He stopped right behind Anna, her form was nearly perfect, but he wanted his hands on her. He reached down gripping her sides and pulling her upwards to further her stretch his growth coming in contact with her backside.
Anna flinched slightly at the feel of him but smirked as she felt his growth.

"Let it be the first and last time you talk back to me." Paul whispered his warm minty breath fanning against her neck making her shiver slightly. The feel of him being so close made Anna uncomfortable her mind went to places she never thought she could go.
She nodded in response as he let her go and walked back to his mat instructing the class to go into big toe pose everyone touching their toes and then going straight to chair pose.
Paul continued eyeing Anna as she did her posing, he didn't take his eyes off of her the entire class. She didn't mind him starring, she knew he was just as into her as she was into him. Just one touch set hot sparks of electricity she has never felt with anyone else before.
"Well class you all did excellent today, I'm looking forward to seeing you all in my next class." as he spoke he starred straight into Anna's eyes. Anna not feeling intimidated at all looked right back with a hint of confidence.
"You're all dismissed." the class began picking up their belongings some heading to another class and others heading down to the locker room.
"Not so fast Miss Finch." Paul grabbed a hold of Anna's arm twisting her towards him. She rolled her eyes.
"Yes?" she smiled faking.
"It seems you need a little practice, if you'd like we can meet tomorrow morning in my private practice room, have a one on one session." he let go of her arm.
"Oh really? I seemed to have think I did just fine for a beginner but if you say I need the practice than I sure do."
"Great, I'll let Hannah know to give you a spare key card on your way out this morning." Anna nodded and walked off making her way into the lockers.


Hours went by and all Anna could thinking about was tomorrow's yoga session with hot Beletier. It had been so long since she had found interest in any man. Ever since her last relationship she completely ignored men, they seemed to bore her so she gave up dating all together 4 years ago. She believed that if she were meant to be with anyone she would magically bump into them on the streets of NYC and be love at first site. Completely cliche and unrealistic but thats what she thought.

"Kill them with Kindness." her business cellphone rang.
"May I speak with Anna Finch?"
"You're talking to her." she said as she submitted her 5pm deadline project to her company.
"Yes this is Rachel Hernes from Vogue Magazine I was wondering if I can schedule in a meeting with you tomorrow noon for a huge poster project I have in mind. I've seen your work and you look like one of the best Graphic Designers in NYC."

-Vogue magazine!? HOLY CRAP. This could change my entire world.

"Hello Miss. Finch? Are you there?"
"Yes, yes I am. Sorry I was lost in thought but that sounds amazing. I would be so honored to work with Vogue." Anna bit her lip trying to control her excitement.
"Done then I will meet you at 12 noon tomorrow. Make sure to bring your note pad there will be a lot of business to be discussed."
"Got it. See you then Mrs. Hernes."
"See you then Miss Finch, You have a goodnight."

"OH MY FUCKING GOD IM GUNNA BE WORKING WITH VOGUE MAGAZINE!" Anna screamed more to herself after hanging up.
"Oh my god, oh my god what am I gunna wear." she jumped up from her chair running to her closet.
"Business casual?" she asked herself.
She spent the next 2 hours planning her outfit for the meeting. The mere thought of meeting Paul not being half as exciting as the meeting that would take place afterwards.

"Your hard work is finally paying off Anna." she smiled to herself as she hung her outfit on her bathroom door for tomorrow morning.

Authors Note:
Hey HEY heeeeey. If you're reading this you are so freaking awesome! Thanks for reading my work if you want to please leave a comment below and hit that little star on your screen!
love ya alreadyyy❤️❤️

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