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If you have any recommendations on suffixes please comment :)

F = Female (she-cat)
M = Male (tom)


aster (f) - a petty motherly cat who is laid back and placid


back (m/f)- Pertains to the cat's back, a indicator of their dominant colour or quality of fur

belly (m/f)- a jovial cat

berry (m/f) - A small sweet cat

bite (m/f) - A cat who is a skilled hunter

blaze (m/f) - A cat who is passionate in what they do

blink (m/f)- fast

blossom (f)- a cat who is young at heart

bloom (f)- A cat who is eager to mother and bring new life

blotch (m/f)- has blotches of colour on white

bounce (m/f)- peppy and happy cat, can be hyperactive

breeze (m/f) - fast

briar (f)- feminine and resilient


call (m, rarely f) - a cat skilled at using their voice, a diplomat

chaser (m/f) - good at catching/hunting prey

claw (m/f) - a warrior that is very skilled with their claws

cloud (m/f)- a dreamer, and a lover, an idealist, or a cat with a very thick, very thick and puffy coat

creek (m/f)- A graceful cat


dapple (f)- a tortoiseshell cat of some sort

daisy (f)- Young at heart and innocent

dawn (m/f)- a serene and meditative cat

dusk (m/f)- very calm


ear(s) (m/f)- a cat with very good hearing

eye(s) (m/f)- a cat who notices things or has good eyesight, also used in name changes


face (m/f) - very beautiful/handsome cat

faith (f) - a hopeful cat

fall (m/f)- a cat who is adept at attacking from above

fang (m/f)- A skilled hunter

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