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"I would've liked to know what it would be like to not live in the dark. Not waking up and dreading the day. I would've like to think I had someone who deeply cared for me. Unfortunately, I had never been graced with the pleasure of experiencing such delight."

"I remember the nights I stayed up until past midnight, overthinking various situations, many phrases. I always, deep down inside wished for someone to devote some sort of affection to me."

"I remember the days dragging by, watching the rain outside my window. Talking to myself, wondering if anybody cared if I was okay or not. Although I already knew, I allowed my mind to venture to possible situations of hope."

"Slowly, day by day, my soul fell apart piece by piece. I no longer wished for anyone to love me. I began to blame myself for my loneliness. Maybe if I hadn't been so cruel in the beginning, someone would've stayed."

"I didn't deserve love, and I knew this because I knew that in the end, they would get hurt."

"Finally, my last days came around. My hair had fallen out, I began to ignore my hunger, I stayed inside until I couldn't move from place to place because of how stiff I'd become. I couldn't bring myself to cry no longer."

"On the very last day, I faintly remember my hands curling around the hem of my blanket. I felt so weak from the lack of energy. I looked out the window from my spot on the couch. Finally, my eyes began to feel heavier by the moment. All I could do was mourn on the memories I had, my first love, my first baby girl. But in the end, they all left, maybe it was for the best. Either way, I couldn't bare the pain of the loneliness within me, I felt so empty. The last thing I remember, was a soft voice who somehow found their way into my home, who simply said, "I have always loved you, and I always will mom."

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