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"People often thought that she loved to imagine that he loved her back. That she'd imagine a life with the man of her dreams. That she'd imagine a desire for her from him.

She didn't however, she loved to imagine him imagining her. She wanted to imagine him struggling to keep his control as he imagined ravishing her slim figure with his rough kisses. She loved to imagine what he would do when he imagined naughty things of her while teaching his class.

When he bit his lip in concentration, she often imagined that he was imagining her body lying on his dark sheets, hair sprawled out on the mattress like a halo above her head. Her mouth open, spilling out mindless profanities, her small hands clutching the sheets as he ruthlessly thrusted into her.

Her thighs would clench in delight as she pictured it all, her heart raced. Her pen would slip from her hand as she lost focus and he would make eye contact with her as he wondered what was swirling in that beautiful mind of hers and she would simply blush it off and look down at her desk."

-inspired by the quote above-

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