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"Tell me you love me. Tell me that you crave my love just as much as I crave yours. Don't push me away princess. Ill show you how much i love you because no matter how much you hate me, our passion is too strong to ignore. You cant deprive me from the most addicting drug because that drug is you my love. I love you so much it hurts, when i look at you, i remember how wrong this is but i cant help but want it even more. Its not the fact that its wrong that makes me want it more, you aren't just a temporary desire. You my darling are what keeps me going, your the one i stay up thinking about, you my love, you are one that makes me nervous, the one i fear to mess up in front of. So please baby, don't tell me that you wish not to see me again, because I'm not ready to give up on us, i never will be"


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