Chapter 10 Feeling her Part 1

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Marshalls POV

I saw it all.

I saw his lips crashing into hers.

And I saw her not even try to break away from it.

She enjoyed it. Her smile after it was an easy give away. But why? Why him? I kept questioning, I simply didn't want to know the fact that Amira kissed him. That wasn't me holding her small jaw and looking into her mesmorizing eyes, but damn how I wanted it to be me.

I kept thinking about it, playing the same thing in my head. They actually kissed. And she really kissed him back.

Then a thought occurred in me. Do I really want to be the one holding her? No, fuck it, I don't.

Yes you do Marshall.

"Ahhh! shit! No I don't! I can't!" I didn't even realize that I was yelling until I finally heard my own deep voice echo throughout the walls of my office.

You can take her, Marshall. You can have her. All of her.

I found my self gripping onto my black desk, my knuckles white as I yelled once again. "No, I can't! i can't take her innocene, I can't have her!"

But you can, and you will Marshall Mathers.

"Fuck, get outta my head!" And there I was. Yelling at the same old voice that's been lingering in my head for as long as I could remember. He kept talking, talking until my desk was thrown across the room and my wall having a few good hits to it.

I looked at my office and noticed that everything was thrown and broken. Pieces of glass were on the ground and legs from my chairs and tables were scattered across the room. That all happened after I witnessed the damn kiss. My sanity was almost gone, I already knew that. But Amira is going to be the reason to why I won't be sane at all.

I heard a knock at my door, saving me from any more thoughts of her.

"Mr. Mathers, it seems to be that Jamal's men are almost inside the base, they are not giving up on this fight. And their mission to capture Amira is almost a done deal. She's no where to be found and we believe Jamal's men already took her."

I felt like I got punched in the stomach when I thought about Amira not being here anymore.

He continued to speak, "We can't hold them off any longer, sir. They are killing our soldiers with no problem."

"Dammit!" I yelled. I didn't want to kill any of them, not yet at least. I know Amira has close friends fighting outside right now, trying to get her back. I don't want to kill them because of her sake.

Awe little Marshy has a crush? kill them. kill them all, c'mon now go on and kill her hahaha

I was grabbing onto my head now, hoping the voice would go away.

I looked up to the kid, "Kill them, all of them."

And with a tight nod, he left with my gruesome order.


I walked out my office, two gaurds stood infront of each other, guarding my door I suppose. They averted eye contact with me, probably cause of the conversation they heard with my mind.

"Hey buddy," I began to say as I looked at the larger guard "Clean up my office, will ya?"

I walked away, although I could hear the guards complaining. But I could care less. I was almost out the building, my hands on the door. But I heard my name being called. I looked behind me to see Dre walking my way.

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