Chapter 25

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Marshalls POV

I woke up like a caged animal - trapped. I looked at my surroundings and saw nothing, complete darkness. The only light I had was from a lamp that was shoved in the wall. It smelt like urine and the ground was cold as ice, I slowly got up from the ground walking in the darkness, my eyes adjusting. As I walked forward, I rant into what I guessed were bars. I was literally in a cell. The bars weren't as cold as the ground but the metal on the bar felt so rusted, this hasn't been touched in ages. I tried shaking the bars but it wouldn't budge open. I was stuck, isolated and will be here for however long until Jamal kills me. I know he will, I would've if it were the other way around in a heart beat.

But it's not the other way, Marshall. You're all alone and no ones coming to get you. You fucked us up Marshall, you did this! For a woman!

And like that, the voices were back and I suddenly wasn't alone in the cell anymore.

I didn't want think about her. About the last thing I spoke to her when we were getting ripped apart from one another. My pride was set aside and my heart was on my sleeve, I would've died for her then if Jamal would've grabbed her instead of me. And an unselfish part of me that is coming to light for the first time, made me feel thankful that it was me and not her.

I kept tugging at my head and punching the concrete walls making my knuckles bleed at the realization this is where everything changes, and I couldn't stop. I wanted out, to change the plan so Amira didn't see me weak and that wouldn't of been the last time I saw her beautiful smile. But there was nothing I could do but accept the fact my mind will damage me while I am here, and I will never be able to go back to who I was beginning to be.

For what felt like hours, just sitting on the ground starting into complete bliss, I finally heard a door open and saw a short, better, glimpse of light come from what seemed to be a heavy door, as it shut hard and slow. Footsteps approached me and they suddenly stopped. I could feel another bodies presence just a few feet away from me, probably staring at me to death unraveling my body in the most disturbing way just for the hell of it. But I just kept sitting there, waiting.

"Well, Marshall. Glad we've met again."

Jamal. I could sense the arrogance in him and he's just taking every bit of it in. Most likely with a smirk plastered on his dreadful face.

He continued, "Man do we have shit to settle."

Be vulgar Marshall, be yourself.

I got up from where I was sitting and walked towards the bars again, and grateful that it was dark and he couldn't see me. Right as I got closer to him before even being a step to the bars, I slipped my entire arm through the small gaps and gripped whatever I felt first on his body and brought Jamal against the cell.

My breathing was heavy, and so were his. I could feel his staggered breaths against my face and as I couldn't utter out the right words, I continued to hold him as tight as I could, my fists if I could see them probably turned red by now. Before he got the power to fight back, and get away, I left a little bit of my presence on him, my spit spilling amongst his face.

I heard Jamal laugh and step away from the cell.

"You've got hell coming for you."


"Get up Mathers! Let's go!"

I woke up to disgusting voices yelling at me, banging on the bars making the noise bring ringing to my ears. I tried picking my self up from the ground, but I was so weak and it pissed me off. I've been in this cell for days, barely getting any food or water.

The men noticed my slow pace and figured it was safe for them to come in.

For now, fuckers. I thought to myself.

One man - I obviously still couldn't get a vivid look at - gripped my left arm leaving my right to the other one. They didn't give me time to get on my feet as they just dragged me, my boots skidding the ground as we went through the door. With each step going up the stairs my boots dragged on and a rush of wind hit me in the face.

We were standing outside now. I could finally feel the fresh air and I never thought I'd care about something this much. The realization of having fresh air almost made me forget that I walked out of a dim, literal hole, in the ground that I was in for days. My hands were now cuffed behind my back with a heavy chain. Men who were waiting outside the door came around me and I now had a total of six men surrounding me and all loaded with guns. I expected to be greeted with the sun but it looked like it was around five in the morning. I tried to take in my surroundings with small gaps between the men around me, but I barely got a glimpse of where we were. I kept my head down as I walked until I heard sounds of children, laughing. I looked for just a second to catch the eye of maybe a seven year old boy with his friends playing but their smile quickly fading when they saw a glimpse of me.

And suddenly I knew where we were. Not exactly, but I knew this was where we invaded last. We're at Amira's home. Old home.

This is as close as I was getting to her, making me start feeling a mixture of ease and sadness. Thinking about being in the same place where her presence used to be made me feel safe and as if she was still here with me right now. I never held her as close to me or as tight as I should have and it's killing me slowly knowing this is as close as I'd ever get to her again.

I didn't notice we stopped until I was met with another door, but this time it was to a dark matte black car, windows tinted. A man opened the door for me, ducking my head and pushing me in. The doors locked and I noticed there was another tinted window separating the backseat from the front. It slowly separated side to side revealing a familiar face, and with light green eyes burning into mine from the mirror.


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