Chapter 14-Confusement and Decisions

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My head hung down as I left the servants' quarter and headed to my room. Something was up with Anela, but what? Lately she had been either avoiding me or talking very little to me. Something was up. When we went out she was so lively and talkative once she had opened up to me why had all that changed when the day had ended?

Bing-Bing I take out my phone to see that there is a message from one of Jessica's friends Melanie.

Do it at Vouge, she'll like that, the more people, the better it is.

Bing-Bing, there was message from another one of Jessica's friend, Anastasia.

Do it when there is no-one else around and somewhere romantic, like the park or something. That would be so romantic!!!!

I sigh, again I had no idea what to do as far as this engagement thing went, how do I do it right? How do I do it that makes everyone happy? My mind flashed with a smiling Anela, what it meant I had no idea and despite my best efforts I could not lose the thought. Why did Anela come to my mind when I should be thinking about Jessica and the engagement? Why? Why?

After a long period of time the question still remained unanswered but I had decided that I should get the engagement out of the way before I tried again with Anela. I took out my phone ready to text Jessica intending to get together and propose then but my fingers just wouldn't type the message. The image of Anela became even more vivid in my mind and I could hear that cute giggle of hers. Cute? Did I just say that Anela's laugh was cute? What am I doing? I shook my head as if that was the solution for everything and after thirty minutes I finally sent a text to Jessica that should have taken two minutes if that.

"Edmund!" I look up to see Jonathon at my door, "How are we going with everything? Just putting it all the last pieces together?"

"Um, yes, I just sent a message to Jessica; I'm going to do it tonight." Jonathon just smiled and gave me a nod; he turns to leave but stops. "You know Edmund; you're making the right choice. I know this is arranged but I know this is the right thing."

I swallow, is it? "Very well," I say and he leaves.

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