Chapter 10

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 Not Edited >,<

January 25, 2012   1:00pm

Asias POV

"Dammit Nia!" I screamed at her as I began to slowly turn on these skates. I swore to myself I was never going ice skating ever again, and now I'm here. On a frozen lake. Ice skating.

"Throw one more chunk of ice at me and I swear to all that is HOLY I was raise hell!" I yelled at her again as she began throwing chunks of ice at me. The boys seemed to know how to skate as the were constantly flying by me. Kiyah and Taymee tried helping me for a while but after I practically cussed them out for laughing at me they went to skate with the boys.

Finally, after wailing my arms through the air, I managed to get myself to the edge of the lake. Of course Nia being the amazing friend she is, decided to throw one last chunk of ice at me. Her terrible aiming made the ball hit the ice beneath my feet and before I knew it the ice began to crack.

"ASIA!" Nia scream once she realized what she had done. 

My eyes went wide and I began to run off the ice. The skates slid and caused me to fall back. Like a domino  affect, the frozen lake started to crack. As I tried to get up the ice beneath me gave way and I fell into the water.

Freezing water engulfed me for what seemed like half a second before I my feet hit the surface and I stood up. I thank whoever was watching over us that the lake was extremely shallow. Wiping the water out of my eyes, I look ahead of me to see Princeton and Taymee struggling to get out of the water, and the boys laughing at them.

Nia reached out her hand to help pull me out. I looked at her. She looked at me, and began to laugh. Raising an eyebrow I wrapped my arms around her, covering her in freeing lake water. She screamed and turned around to get out of my arms. 

We all got together in a close huddle and began to walk back to the cabin. I laughed at something Ray Ray was telling me when I glance over to see Princeton and Taymee at the edge of the group smiling and laughing together. I took a breath and sighed. Sniffing a little bit, I gave my attention back to Ray Ray.

I hate ice skating.


* A week later*

February 1, 2012  12:30pm

Asias POV

"I can't believe you, Nia, Taymee, and Kiyah all got sick the same time." My mom said while she was taking my temperature. She sighed and shook her head. " 101.2. Let  me go get you some Tylenol. I'll be right back sweet heart."

 I blew air out of my mouth which caused a violent cough. After doubling over in pain I groaned, looking up at the ceiling. After the horrible ice skating incident, we all went back to the cabin and just hung out. Then out of nowhere Princeton started to get sick. It was terrible. The fact that both Taymee and I were practically killing each other to take care of him made it even worse. Long story short we ended up having to call Kiesha to come pick us up before Princeton got worse.

A week later, here I am. Laying in bed with the same thing Princeton  had. My stomach began to churn and I leaned over my bed just in time to vomit all over my floor. I felt my hair get pulled back and a hand rubbing soothing circles on my back. Dizzy and nauseated, I lifted my head up to see my father with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Come on sweetheart lay back down." He said as he guided me back onto my bed.

Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. I love you." Was all I heard before I felt my dads lips against my cheek and I was asleep.


So I came up with this really cool idea of a story. A MB Fan Fiction But I have to and can't figure out which one to post, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I've decided to put up a little bit of each Idea I have and whichever one gets the most votes that's the one I'll post!! So tell your mothers, brothers, sisters, fathers, bestfriends, cousins, all of them!!!! 

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