Chapter Two

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My bestfriend is going to be on American Idol . My other bestfriend is starting her acting career. & My step coaches Son is in New York, Going to a Grammy Camp . o.O Woah!

But Antywaaaays.....

[ Asia's POV ]

January 17, 2012  3:30 pm

"PUSH it Asia, FASTER!" My volleyball coach yelled at me.

I pushed myself harder, welcoming the sting in my legs as I sprinted to the end of the track field. When I finished my last lap I bent over and breathed in deeply. I checked my watch and realized it was 3:30 and jumped up to get my stuff.

"I gotta go coach." I said as I packed my stuff away. 

"Ok sweetheart, good job today. Your going to do really well at the game on Sunday." She smiled. 

I nodded and smiled. Taking a swig of my water I pulled my bag onto my shoulders and began to walk home. It was freezing outside but I could barely feel it. The past two days Nia has been trying to figure out a way to meet Mindless Behavior. I laughed a little bit, like she really thinks they would take time out of their "free time" to meet us. 

Shaking my head I opened the door to my house and jogged upstairs. Grabbing my towel I ran to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done I dried my body, put lotion on and brushed my teeth. I wrapped the towel around my body and went to my room to get dressed. I stared into my closet thinking about what to wear.

After about five minutes I heard my phone vibrate.  Grabbing it I pressed a few buttons and saw a text message from Jason.  How the hell did he get my number?

{tryna_function} : ima be there in 30min so hurry up an get ready

I stared at the text for a minute, before going back in my closet and picking out, some light blue skinnies, a gray tank top, and my come at me bro sweatshirt. After getting dressed I put on my low cut yellow vans and put my phone and wallet in my but pocket, while putting my keys in my jacket pocket. 

The doorbell rung and I smiled. Let the games begin.

[ Princeton's POV ]

January 17, 2012   4:30 pm

I laid out on the couch text Vanessa. She's crazy, she talks about the most wierdest things yet keeps you interested. I laughed, when she sent me a picture of her holding a green piece sign. I had just set it as my screen saver when my phone was snatched outa my hand. 

"Give it back!" I yelled a Ray when he took my phone. 

"Who is that!" His eyes widened and I smirked.

"She's a friend." I said while snatching my phone back. "My friend, not yours." I returned to my position on the couch and continued to text her.

"You should invite her to come to the movies with us!" I looked up at Ray and he look.. Excited?

"Uh, yea. Sure." I texted Vanessa and she said she would meet us there.

About 15 minutes later we were at the movie theater buying tickets to some chick-flick Vanessa talked us into watching. I Couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous, Ray and Vanessa hit it off as soon as they laid eyes on eachother. The googly eyes they made at eachother made me want to throw up my lunch.

As we started walking towards the theater I was so busy watching Ray and Vanessa that I didn't see the beautiful girl walking towards me with popcorn in her hands. I turned my head a second to late and ran right into her sending the popcorn all over here. She stood there with popcorn and butter all over her.

"Dude watch where the hell your going!" The guy next to her, who I assumed was her boyfriend growled at me.

I opened my mouth to reply but she beat me to it.

"Calm down Jason it was just an accident." The girl mumbled while trying to wipe some of the butter off her face. 

Vanessa came up giggling, which stopped as soon as she saw the situation I was in. 

"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" Vanessa's eyes widened.

The girl looked up, and my heart stopped. She made eye contact with me and her eyes widened in recognition.

[ Asias Pov ]

January 17, 2012   4:55 pm

I ran to the girls bathroom without looking back. I've never been so embaressed in my life! I stared at myself  in the mirror. Way to make a good first impression. I didn't know wether to laugh or to cry. Of all people on this earth I had to get butter all over me infront of PRINCETON. Princeton from MINDLESS FREAKING BEHAVIOR! My celebraty crush. I felt tear burn in the back of my eyes. The bathroom door opened and Jason came in holdiing his little brothers hand.

I gave hime a don't-even-think-about-laughing look. About a second later we both burst out laughing.

"Stop laughing at me!" I mumbled while trying to get popcorn out of my hair. He locked the door and came over to help me.

Jason came up behind me and ran his hand through my hair. The feeling of his fingertips brushing against my scalp made me shiver, and caused goosebumps to form on my skin. He looked at me through the mirror as his fingers brushed against my arms. His hands landed on my hips, as he pressed me harder against him. His lips slowly made their way down to my neck, when I felt his breath against my skin I arched my back and pressed myself into him more. As soon as his lips touched my neck-

"Can we go now. I'm tired!" I jumped away from Jason, forgetting that his little brother was here. Blushing I looked down and nodded.

"We can just watch a movie at my house.." I said, looking up at Jason. He smiled and nodded.


After having a 5 minute shower, washing my hair, and putting lotion on, I put on  some yellow cropped sweats, a light grey t-shirt, with my fuzzy dark gray house boots. Going downstairs I put my hair in a messy bun while sticking a pencil through it. I saw Jasons little brother curled up in the recliner and I smiled. I guess it's just me and Jason tonight.


tsk. tsk. tsk. Princeton Come On Now . (-.-(-.-)-.-) && I think somebody has a crush on Vanessa :o !!!

I Think Mabye TWO Somebodys . Tehehe . ; P 

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