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I love basketball, it's my favorite sport. Unless reading is a sport. Well I had my first two basketball league games today.

Game 1
Okay before I start game 1, I want to say that I am on the B team. I'm not the best, but I still like to play(:

I live in Wisconsin so the team names might sound weird. We played this team called Burlington Lady Demons. We've always beat them in past years, but today the changed, a lot. They were just shooting threes, AND MAKING THEM! I was astonished! Because they were the team in the league that everyone killed, so I felt kinda weird that we lost.
Well we lost one player in this game. The first quarter just ended and one of my friends went to the bathroom, turns out she threw up. Lol I didn't play the best in that game, pretty boring.

Final Score: 32;28 we lost.


We played this team call Elkhorn blah blahs (lololol I forgot their name)
They had these tall girls and we are the shortest team in the league. (Me being the SECOND shortest(lol I was always the shortest until a new girl joined.) I started which is good! I was really aggressive in my opinion. Lol but this one play confused me so much.
Elkhorn is so stupid. So it was sideline out of bounds and I got the inbound. Lol Elkhorn and my team were lined up on ELKHORNS SIDE OF THE COURT!!! So I started to go that way (cuz I was confused) when the girl who passed it to me said go the other way, so I did and got a layup:)

But the best part of the game was the ending of the fourth quarter. It was our ball and it was 10-9 (we were losing) so we do this play called Lakers and the ball wasn't even supposed to go to me, but it did. 3 seconds left so I didn't think I just shot the ball... it almost tipped out but it went in AND I WAS LIKE :O! My whole team runs on the court and gives me a hug and congrats me:)

The worst part of that game was injuries. One of our players most likely broke her finger, one got elbowed in the heart area, and my heel hurt almost the whole game. But I survived!

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