Strange Cases

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Hundreds and hundreds of faces
learned to keep quiet and my distance
married delicately, softly tilting in wind 
chimes, rich meetings from nods of strangers
than court cases- they fuck with my conscience
no depths I can drink myself to forget them all

Your makeup was on point, the lies from
your mouth sounded like peace
repressing the need to scream in front of them all
in your misguided rage, the pinpoint vindication.
There are shattered pieces of furniture
out on the front yard through broken windows

Honey, I never cared about any of that stuff
anyways - break what you need; unhappiness
and frustrations are simple seasons we go through
but this is a strange case; you locked your mind
and heart away from me in denial of things unknown
is there anywhere in the world you wouldn't be
without you? Well now, you get an ocean view by yourself
far away from me - not my ocean view anymore.

oh stop it!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora