Post Mortem

51 25 22

if you really knew her
you'd know she ain't been
sexually active because she's got 
mental health issues
if you really knew her 
she takes drugs like all the other girls
to hide her issues 
waving a gun around with her friends
and going to skate parks

true love like that don't exist and she knows
i thought it was funny when 
her first reaction to the words was 
visible first, then followed with a tangible "gross."

the shade covers the curvature of her hips
and the strength of her lips
just want to make sure she's all set
just trying my best
to keep God out of this
and if he slips up
she won't think of me first
just want to make she's okay
don't need to know all the personal stuff
everyone deserves to be happy

christmas lights and rugs hung up on walls,
dior and suits strewn about on the floors
like a warzone, the pause of holy
and the moment the lights cast a shine
on her face and not the rest of her body
she was staring at the ceiling
and in retrospect
i kind of miss her laughter
in the midst of all these lies

oh stop it!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant