My God Women

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Men are stupid, but you gotta love them

"Will you slow down!" I shouted at the group running away from the zombies. These zombies are fast as hell. I stopped running and sat against the tree. A zombie stood in front of me and made ugly noises.

"Yeah yeah I know I'm dead. Fucking tap me already." The zombie tapped me and I waited inside the tent for everyone. A few minutes passed and a sweaty sexy looking Jacob came into the tent.

"I see you got killed." I nodded my head and leaned against the chair.

"I see you did too."

"Nahhh. I just got killed on purpose when I noticed you weren't around."

"Awe... so sweet."

"I know I'm an angel." I laughed a little and got up putting my hands on my hips.

"Okay. Where to now?"

"My place." I arched my eyebrow while Jacob rolled his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself babe. I just wanna get to know you more."

"Uh huh let's go, but is there a bathroom over here?"


We pulled up to a big building and when we got up to the elevator and into his room I kept myself from gasping. I mean shit I knew this nigga was packing, but goddamn.

"It's nice ain't it?"

"I've seen better." I took off my shoes and jacket asking where should I put it.

"Just lay it on the couch over there. Imma go take a shower. If you wanna join don't hesitate to get in."

"In your dreams." We both laughed and Jacob walked down the hallway I'm guessing to his room. I looked around some more and was impressed. It's very clean in here and modern. This condo is much bigger than mine. I touched the granite counter top then the steel chairs.

"This place is nice." I looked around for a little while longer. I got bored so I went into his room.

"Nice room too."

"Thanks." Jacob said coming out of the bathroom with pjs on and a white V neck shirt. Damn... I kinda wish I saw him naked like Teddy. Ugh why am I thinking of Teddy right now?

"So what do you want to know about me?" Jacob motioned me to sit on his bed, I was a little hesitant at first, but I did anyways.

"Hmm... what time period would you like to live in?"

"Well... I would like to live in the 70's or 80's but you know I'm black and I would get shot."

"You're black?! I thought I was with a white girl."

"Shut up." I laughed pushing him slightly. Jacob chuckled and ran his hands through his damp hair.

"What about you?"

"The Viking era. You know I'm somewhat of a red head. I'll look good in a horn helmet." I think he'll look mighty fine with a horn helmet.

"Thanks for taking me out on that date by the way... it was really fun."

"You're welcome beautiful." I blushed and looked away. I shook my head a little and laid on my belly.

"I have a question for you Mr. Ford."


"Why did you act like a craven elf-skinned flag-dragon?"

"Did you just Shakespeare insult me?" Sexy and brains? I like. I nodded my head and Jacob smiled shrugging his shoulders.

Men are stupid, but you gotta love them (BWHM)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora