The unholyness begins

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(Id like to point out i was horn and half asleep writing this)

Peridot had a long day working the controls for the ship, and was going to turn in for the night. As she walked down the hallway, the sounds of her metal extensions hitting the floor beneath her ecoed down the hall. She stopped infront of a door, and activated a key code opening the door. She walked in and shut the door behind her, and took off her clothes leaving her extensions on because of jasper's stupid ship rules.

She opened her dresser drawer to get her night gown out, but then she gasped seeing someone familiar. Her face turned red as she tried to cover herself with her arms. Bill as the pervert he was, took out a camera and took a picture. This made peridot furious, "what are you doing here!" She scowled trying to hide her embaressment over the situation.

Bill chuckled and came out of the drawer, and floated next to her putting his arm on her bare back making her nervous. "Why i came to pay you a visit of course~" bill said with a tip of his hat, "NO, GET OUT" peridot hissed. Bill ignored her and pushed her onto the bed, making peridot's heart skip a beat. She didnt really know whether she wanted this or not, she thought she enjoyed it, but shook away the thought as her back hit he mattress.

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