I have no idea what im doing with this story

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Tourmaline bitch slapped jasper and shot a powerful blast of blindingly bright light and shot jasper. Jasper weakly got up burnt out, and spawned her helmet. Tourmaline laughed, grabbing her by the helmet and throwing her off the ship. Tourmaline also stole her cheese puffs because who wouldnt. Lapis yawned entering the kitchen, her hair was messy and her eyes were weary.

She walked past tourmaline and the jasper-shaped whole in the wall and made coffee. Tourmaline was about to speak but lapis put her hand on the fusion's face before it could say anything. It was her way of saying "shut up until ive had my coffee", she sat at the table, taking out a newspaper, causually sipping her coffee. Tourmaline casually floated upside down sipping tea.

------------------------------ one coffee later and a half later -------------------

Lapis finally looked up and spat out her coffee on tourmaline's face. She took a napkin and wiped the coffee spat on her glasses off. "WhO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Lapis screeched throwing her newspaper at tourmaline, tourmline caught it in her hand "its me, peridot" tourmaline said. Lapis squinted and looked at tourmaline closely as she sipped her tea.

Lapis pressed noses with the "stranger" staring into their glasses, "hey wait wheres jasp-" lapis stepped on a bag of cheese puffs and screamed,"OH NO JASPER IS GOING TO KILL ME." Relax, chuckled tournaline, shes on a vacation.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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