Chapter Five

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Tap tap tap.
  "Ugh," I groan sleepily as I turn over once again. I wish that tree would stop scratching the window.
    Tap tap tap. Okay, that's it. What the frick is this tree doing tapping a window?
    Right as I stand up in anger I am automatically softened when I see Troy's face. I walk over to him and lift up the window.
"Geez, you're one heavy sleeper."
"Shut up, Troy. What are you doing here?"
"Making sure you didn't forget to sneak out. From looks, you obviously did."
"It's not that I forgot," I lie. "I just simply didn't want to go."
"Sure," Troy says I disbelief.
"It's true!"
"Yeah yeah come on."
"In my pajamas?"
"Yes, we already think you're cute... Or hot."
"Okay kiss up go," I say pushing him away from the window. I quietly climb through the small opening and fall into his arms. Could this get anymore cliché? Ugh, I also use that word too much. I'm going to say too "romance-novel-like."
      "Let's go," I say squirming as quickly as I can out of his arms. It was an awkward position.
"Violet," Parker staggers over to us. Oh god, he's drunk.
"Hey," I say plastering a fake smile on my face.
"I'm not drunk," he whispers in my ear as he falls on my shoulder. "Just pretending to be so the rest of the guys don't realize that I'm dumping out all the alcohol."
"Okay," I whisper back as I pat him. I'm not so sure I believe him but okay. He staggers away and shouts," Strip poker!"
        "Wow, he's hammered," Troy says between laughs.
        "We don't need to play poker to strip," I hear Aaron slurring as Troy and I near the campsite.
      "Umm how about we don't strip," I say right as Aaron is about to take off his shirt.
      "Just for you my lady," he says flinging his shirt at me right after he ignored my comment. It occurred to me they were athletes and they were going to get drug tested. Also they need to be in the weight room!
      "Troy," I whisper loudly.
      "Yes," he says looking confused. After I tell him my thoughts he responds," We're all suspended from our teams right now for our drinking. We don't get to go to any of the practices until after the first game starts. We only get to play the last five games."
      "That sucks."
      "Yes it does. Aaron is the star player so we're going to be losing a lot of games."
      "Well that's good for Granite Bay!"
      "Shut up cutie pie."
      "Hey! Don't call me that."
      "Damn it," he shouts laughing shortly afterwards.
       "Stop flirting with my girl," Aaron slurs drunkenly swinging his arm around my shoulder. This guy can't take a hint.
       "Yeah Aaron, stop flirting with my girl," Zac says walking with a drunken swagger. Zac takes another step but gets his foot caught on one of the tent's line strip and trip causing the tent to collapse beneath him.
       "Trying to kill me," I hear Levi shout from underneath Zac and the tent.
       "Yeah dude," another muffled voice shouts.
       "Whoa sorry," Zac rolls over onto the ground. The tent moves around before two teenage bodies come out of it.
      "Geez douchebag! Got a brain," Levi shouts.
       "Not at the moment," Troy responds for Zac.
       "I wasn't talking to you Troy!"
       "Skate dork, if it's that big of a deal go into my tent and sleep." Levi and Chandler walk to Troy's tent.
        "Levi's grumpy when he's tired."
        "As I can tell," I respond to Troy.
        "Let's give Violet a show," Jace shouts! "Gentlemen, take of your shirts."
        "No," I shout.
        "Sorry," Troy says before taking off his shirt. Damn were they all cut. Aaron was the best but I don't want to think of him like that.
         "Like what you see," Aaron asks walking over to me.
        "I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed," I say backing away.
        "Not without a kiss," Aaron says leaning down to kiss me.
        "Whoa," Troy says bouncing in front of me and pushing Aaron away. "Party's over, every one asleep."
         "No," Jace shouts.
        "Yes, Violet doesn't want you guys to drink anymore tonight. Plus you guys are scaring her away."
        "Sorry Violet," they all slur.
        "Goodnight guys," I say before turning around and jogging back to the cabin. God I hate it when people are drunk. They always have this obsession to do weird shit. And repeatedly want to show me their bodies. I really don't want to spend time with them tomorrow. I'll just tell Scarlett to tell them I'm sick. Too much trouble for me.
     "Violet," I hear Troy call to me as I open up the window.
      "Yes," I sigh.
      "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't think they were going to be that drunk. I'm sorry."
       "It's fine. I don't think it would have been that bad if I got drunk with them but I don't drink or smoke or do anything stupid."
       "Understandable. Well I hope to see you tomorrow. I understand if you don't though. I wouldn't, especially after Aaron's behavior."
        "Yeah, I don't know. I'll think about it," I say crawling through my window. At least he apologized but I don't need to hang out with troublemakers like them. No wonder Del Oro and Granite Bay are rivals. We're too different.

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