Chapter Thirteen

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"Flirting with my brother much?," Aaron comments right as I sit down next to him near the fire pit. I wish this whole situation was a little less awkward. I mean, I flirted with Aaron... And his brother.
"Isn't that what you do to girls at school," I whisper back to him since the rest of the guys are still there. They just happen to be having side conversations which is good. They don't need to be a part of this.
"Don't bring them into this, Violet. They're not you," he tells me bitterly. "I know you know that."
   "Well, what makes me different than them? Guys say stuff like 'you're different than other girls' all the time, but usually it's just a phrase to us in bed. Is that what you're trying to do, here?"
   Aaron scoffs. "We've been over this. Do I need to clarify things anymore than I already have?"
"Well I don't know, Aaron. You tell me?"
  "What can I tell you since I've told you the truth about everything?"
  "Hey guys," Jace interrupts.
  "Can you guys give us a moment," Aaron snaps. "Privacy much?"
"We're leaving," Jace defends. "What's up your butt?"
"We're having an important conversation that doesn't need to be overheard," he says looking frustrated.
Soon Jace, Brett, Troy, Zac, and Parker leave us to have "privacy."
"Well, Aaron," I start. "We have our privacy. What do you want to talk about?"
"Us. I've never wanted somebody so bad before."
"Is that because you don't have me?," I point out.
"No? Why would you say that?"
"Isn't that-"
"Okay, quit the stereotypes. I didn't tell them to leave if I'm going to get judgement," I snaps while shaking his head.
   "You think I'm judgmental?"
   "Well, I don't know how you get girls to like you, but I do know insulting them isn't how you do it."
"It sucks you know," he starts after being silent for a minute. "The one time I'm actually interested in a girl, she's not into just me. Karma really is a bitch, isn't it?"
"Are you trying to get me to feel sorry for you?"
"Okay, Violet, just stop."
"Stop what," I ask.
"Stop putting your guard up. I'm putting mine down and all you seem to do in return is raise it up higher. You confuse me. Why don't you just let me in," he asks putting his hand out in front of him.
"What are you doing?"
"I know you're smart, Violet. Just grab my hand."
I stare at his hand, and after a minute I hesitantly grab it. "In all fairness Aaron, you scare me." With these words said, I feel my heart pounding like bongo drums in my chest.
   "Why," he asks staring at me intensely. This makes me want to beg him to kiss me.
   "Alright," Jace starts. I rip my hand away from Aaron's. To be honest, it kind of hurt to do so. "You had your moment of privacy. Now, I think the rest of us want to spend time with her too."


I sit on a picnic bench the next morning reminiscing the night before. I've put myself in a huge dilemma, and the worst part is they're all best friends. One duo is a brother situation.
"What's up," Chandler asks as he sits next to me.
  "Nothing," I sigh.
  "What's wrong?"
  "Well," I start but get cut off by someone jabbing me in the side with their finger. This causes me to shriek.
  "Good morning, cutie," Parker says flirtatiously.
I look at Parker, and give him a playfully glare.
As Parker laughs and heads in the direction of the bathroom I turn back to Chandler.
"That's my problem. I like him, Troy, Aaron, and Zac."
"Geez," Chandler states chuckling nervously. "My brothers?"
"Yes," I say burying my face into my hands. "All of this is driving me nuts."
"Why," Chandler asks.
"What," I ask ripping my hands away to see his amused look.
"I think this is going to be entertaining, and this flirty stuff should be fun for you too."
"Because now they're going to start getting territorial in a way. Aaron has never had to fight for anything," he says smirking.
I roll my eyes. "How does breaking hearts amusing to you?"
"Well," he starts," that part will be sad, but the competition for you will be funny."
    "Mhm, sure," I say sassily.
    Chandler laughs. "Good luck."
"Thanks," I say giving a Chandler a playful knowing smile. After I do this I stand up and walk towards this hill. Once I reach the top, I sit down and stare out into the ocean view.
"Ay, V." This is said minutes later.
"Hi, Troy."
"What's up," he asks sitting down next to me. He looks in my direction.
   "Nothing," I mutter.
   "I'm being honest," I defend.
   "Nah," he says brushing some hair out of my eyes. "I know you better than that. Tell me."
"Well," I start. "Parker told me that you, Aaron, Zac, and himself all had a thing for me so... I guess the problem is I like all four of you."
Troy chuckles softly to himself. "I guess that is a problem."
    "Yeah," I sigh.
    "Want me to help you with that?"
    "Look at me," he demands, but not in a vicious/violent tone.
     I look at him in confusion due to the "looking at him" request. How is that supposed to help?
     "Troy, I don't understa," I say starting to state my case. A pair of warm lips crash into mine shutting me up. Butterflies uncomfortably flutter in my stomach. Oh damn, I should stop this... but at the same time this feels so right! What would Parker do if he saw this? Let alone Zac, or... Aaron? Do I want them to know about this?
I push myself away from Troy, but I want more. I want to kiss him over and over, but I decide to restrain myself until I know I want him. So tell him," That just confused me even more believe it or not. I'm sorry, I gotta go."
With this I walk into the direction of my cabin, and I will stay inside until my sister comes back. When she does I will beg her to take me home. This whole situation with these four guys have gone too far. This is supposed to be flirty, and nothing more. No feelings should be involved. I need to stop it now before this becomes a summer fling that I'll never forget. I don't want to get attached to someone and then never see them again. A, it's stupid and B, it hurts. Teenage hormones suck.

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