Chapter 9

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Juna, Tina, and Claw get back to their nesting site as fast as they could. They'd heard the battle roars of the female Nano and Rex and also the loud high pitched deafening yelp-like squeal from Aggra's older sibling. Tina was preparing to kill Rex assuming that he had finally killed her chicks. When they arrived at the nesting site, they were awestruck. If nature had given Tyrannosaurs the ability to show facial expressions, Juna's facial expression would be both shock and awe. When they saw the scene, they saw a female Nano body on the ground with slashes and bite marks and where the tail was supposed to be, was just a half dried bloody stump and the head of the body was severed and a few inches above the body. The head was scarred slashed bloody and bruised. And not far from the body lay a severed section of the tail. Leaves were spattered with blood, and at the bottom of a big thick tree laid the remains of Aggra's older sibling, half squished and punctured. And in a big nest lay Rex licking his wounds and Aggra leaning against his enormous foot. Rex heard them coming a while back. He could already smell them. Juna walked slowly toward Rex. As she got beside she could see how beaten up his muzzle, ankle, and body was. Rex's muzzle was covered in scars and bite marks, his ankle was terrible chewed up and it was still gushing out, and Rex's body had a gash about the size of a volleyball that was still trying to scab. Rex was undoubtedly in pain. Juna noticed that whenever Rex began to put weight on his hurt ankle, that he give out a slight whimper. Tina was shocked. It was clear what had happened....Rex had protected HER chicks!? Tina was aware that that had happened but her thought process was still refusing to believe that. Tina walked up to the dead body of the second oldest chick. She whimpered very noticeably loud. She was mourning very loud that a pair of Velociraptors roared in protest as they were awoken by Tina's loud whimpers. After about twenty minutes of mourning Tina stopped and then looked at Rex. Her respect for him had just now grown quite a bit more. She was still dumbfounded that Rex had risked his safety to defend a chick that wasn't even related to him. Rex noticed that Tina was staring at him and continued to lick his wounds pretending not to notice her. If Juna's emotion could be translated into human standards it would be awkwardness. Aggra had gotten up from laying against Rex's foot before Tina began her mourning. Aggra went to another Alpho colony in another attempt to catch a delicious but hairy ball of meat.

Ever since Tina's respect for Rex had grown, Tina hadn't snarled or growled at Rex, as much. Rex was still limping from where the female had bit him really hard on his ankle. Every night since the attack Juna had been licking Rex's ankle gash, and so had Rex. The pack knew that more and more fully grown young Tyrannosaur bachelor packs were coming in the area. Of course a single male Tyrannosaur would be easy to take on, but a whole pack was basically suicide. So the pack decided to get on the move once more. And ever since they began to migrate, Tina had kept an even closer eye out for her two remaining chicks. Every time she heard a sound from the deep foliage she would always snap her head up and snarl in the direction that the sound came from. Because of the approaching winter, the Igua and topsian population was rare. There were a few half burned half decayed carcasses of Iguas but not so much topsians. The pack had started feeding off of the dead carcasses of crocs that were half eaten and small Rockbacks along the riverbank. Many times, Aggra and Claw played and chased each other splashing around on the shore of the river. Tina would growl at them if they got too deep in the water. As the days went on, Rex's ankle got better and better, and each day he felt stronger and stronger. It had been at least around four or five weeks since they had started to migrate and the pack hadn't found any food for two and a half days. Rex was getting hungrier as was the rest of the pack. The chicks were especially hungry. They were both quite thin and weak. Aggra was more thin and weak than Claw since she was younger. Tina and Juna knew that if the chicks didn't get enough food soon, they'd have to leave the weakest chick behind. Juna and Tina both felt terribly sad about this but knew it would have to be done soon if the youngest chick didn't get food in its system soon. Finally, the pack had found a carnivore's dream: the carcass of a good sized male juvenile Diplodocus. Rex's mouth was drooling as he looked at the succulent plump body of the big sauropod. Rex could smell the enticing smell of rotting flesh ringing his olfactory senses. The pack ran towards the big dinner. Rex ran faster than the rest ignoring the pain in his ankle and ignoring the pain in his empty stomach. He then approached the big bloated corpse of the Diplo. The smell was overpowering him as he buried his massive head into the warm juicy flesh then he brought up, with his head, a huge chunk of juicy flesh. The pack gorged and gorged until they couldn't eat any more. After the pack had stuffed themselves with delicious Diplo meat, they found a good sized cave in the side of a mountain in a very spaced part of the forest. The pack went inside the cave. Rex and Juna made two big nests. Rex and sat in one and Tina, Claw, and Aggra sleep in the other one. Rex lays down in the nest and yawns lazily. Rex was tired and exhausted. He slowly fell asleep.

Rex was standing on the top of a steep cliff. He saw a large pterosaur flying towards him. He jumped on top of it involuntarily. He was surprised that he hadn't fallen to the ground. Instead, he was still in the air. Another pterosaur flew near and he hopped onto its back. This process happened more and more until finally he saw a gigantic tender and juicy looking Diplo thigh, full of chunky and juicy meat. He was surprised that he hadn't smelled it before he saw it. His mouth watered. He got closer and closer, and then eventually he was close enough to it that he could touch it with his snout. But with an instant, the mouth watering delicacy began to fade away. Rex tried to eat as much of it as possible, but when it got in his mouth it tasted bitter and disgusting. Almost, almost a plant! He woke up quickly. Realizing the Diplo illusion wasn't real, Rex lowered his massive head in disappointment. Then he realized that his Diplo thigh illusion made him eat a leaf and he spat the leaf out of his mouth in disgust. He then looked around and saw Juna next to him grooming the tip of her brown downy feathered tail. Tina and Claw were fast asleep, and Aggra had been playing with the skull of a long since diseased Zinosaur skull. Aggra was now just gnawing on the old skull. Rex suddenly smelled the scent of an Igua herd. His olfactory senses flared at the smell of the young bulls releasing their pheromones in hopes to attract a sexually active cow. Juna jerked her head up. She obviously smelled the herd too. Tina woke up and growled and Claw did too but he wasn't sure why, he was just copying his mother. Tina got up almost as fast as Rex could blink. Then, she walked quickly out of the cave. Rex and the rest followed. They saw the large herd of Iguas all walking in a big and huge family. There were Iguas for miles and miles. Rex had never seen so many Iguas before in his life! Tina growled and snarled her muscles twitching with fury. Even though the pack hadn't marked the area of the riverbank and cave as their territory, Tina still felt that the Iguas were invading her territory. Tina lowered her body, flexed her small two fingered claws, and stiffened her tail. Juna saw Tina. Juna knew what Tina was doing, she was getting into her attack posture. Before Juna could do anything, Tina was off along with Claw, obviously mimicking his mother's movements and actions. Juna barked softly yet fiercely and firmly at Tina as if to say "You IDIOT!!" Rex had no idea what to do. If his emotional process was translated into English, he would feel awkward.
Juna darted off after Tina in attempt to stop her from nearly killing herself and Claw and leaving Aggra as an orphan. Rex just stayed near the cave with Aggra feeling helpless to do anything.

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