The signs eating style!

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Aries: eats a small portion and then goes to the gym ready to burn off all of it

Taurus: binge eating or having cravings constantly, if not the first two then they just usually go back for seconds

Gemini: always excited to try some new, exotic food

Cancer: eats his or her fill and then offers it to someone who needs the rest more than them, or if there not hungry they will give it to the needy person regardless.

Leo: is dared to eat some really wacky stuff... does it just to prove that they can

Libra: plays with there food and wonders if they're friends might like it

Scorpio: trys something new... acts like they hate it, when in all honestly it's the best thing they've ever eaten... just to show that they don't give a crap

Sagittarius: eats like a normal human being, but with extra table manners

Capricorn: watches YouTube or Netflix while eating a home cooked meal that either they cooked, or a close friend or family member cooked.

Aquarius: experiments with there food, trying to figure out what this and that taste like together and what that and this taste like and etc.

Virgo: confidently shows off there amazing food to everyone around them even if it sucks

Pisces: eats hidden away so that no one can make fun of them, or sits with a close group of friends and daydreams about there crush while slowly sticking bites of food into their mouth

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