The signs when their drunk

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Aries: absolutely going crazy, Running around the house, throwing up, chasing some people, just not stopping

Taurus: laughing uncontrollably and eating random things that they find

Gemini: touching everything in sight

Cancer: having an emotional break down and crying on their ex's shoulder

Leo: bossing everyone around for no reason what so ever

Virgo: buying more drinks like an idiot OR playing poker and losing all the money they had

Libra: having sex with a stranger 😝 

Scorpio: going on a rampage, punching people, pushing people, screaming at people, etc!

Sagittarius: dancing around the room sloppily

Capricorn: sitting in the corner, sober as all hell, just watching everyone else be stupid

Aquarius: sitting beside Capricorn, sober as ALL hell trying to decide how to get all these idiots out of their house

Pisces: past out in the middle of the room, snoring

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