The signs traveling

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Aries: usually the one driving and drinking a pint of coffee

Taurus: sleeping in the backseat or singing their heart out

Gemini: looking out the window and taking in every detail

Cancer: reading a book or talking to a friend on the phone just to check up

Leo: telling everyone to shut up so that they look cool

Virgo: thinking about what they are gonna do when they get to where they are going

Libra: thinking about their crush and all the naughty things they could do to them

Scorpio: hating being stuck in the car, they'd rather be somewhere else getting high or something

Sagittarius: fixing their hair and/ or applying makeup

Capricorn: playing their DS in the back seat completely oblivious to the world outside of their game

Aquarius: doing homework in the backseat because they want to get a head start 

Pisces: daydreaming, looking out the window, sleeping

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