How do the signs walk up the stairs?

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Aries: sprints up the stairs, taking them two steps at a time

Taurus: keeps a steady and slow pace

Gemini: walks up the stairs, runs up the stairs, prances up the stairs, moves quickly up the stairs, moves slowly up the stairs, trys all sorts of different ways while reaching the top

Cancer: walks steadily and gracefully up the stairs, not faltering once

Leo: proudly jogs up the stairs, puffing out there chest, as if to say "hey! Look at me I'm awesome!!"

Virgo: keeps pace with whoever is with them, and if they aren't around anyone they just walk at there own pace

Libra: playfully walks up the stairs, giving a shimmy here and there. When around people though,, they tend to try to be sexy

Scorpio: it just depends on their mood and who they are around

Sagittarius: does a very school girlish run up the stairs

Capricorn: slowly, taking their sweet time

Aquarius: watches there step carefully as they walk up the stairs

Pisces: quickly runs up stairs, because the quicker they get where they are going the better

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