Chapter 1

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Copyright ©. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Basically don't copy my stuff, yo. It's not cool and it's mean.

This book is dedicated to my amazing mom. Thank you for being my best friend. :)
Here is your love story.


He watched the angel step out into the river. Her bare feet slid down into the crystal clear water. He watched as she tilted her head back in pure bliss.

If it weren't for the ripples from the water reacting to her movement, he would have believed she was a figment of his imagination.

He had been coming down to the meadow for some time now and he had never seen this beautiful girl before.

Her long light brown hair flowed in soft waves that swayed against her waist. She wore a crown of flowers and long stems the encircled her head.

He watched her down the river, where the water was much more active. He was hidden by the trees and large rocks that surrounded him. He was fully aware of how much of a peeping Tom he was being.

She lifted the end of her long sleeve lace dress higher as she walked deeper into the river, careful to not allow the gown to soak.

She gently grazed the water's surface with her fingertips, causing more ripples.

He had to meet this angel.

But, she was on their side. He would be killed if they found out and severly punished if his parents found out.

Should he take a chance?

His father had taught him to take chances and be brave. His mother taught him to follow his heart. He justified meeting this angel on those reasons.

He pulled his boots off, along with his socks, and tossed them to the closest tree. He waded out into the water, when he was waist deep, he dove into the water. Silently praying she didn't notice his splash amongst the rushing waters.

He swam as far as he could until his lungs burned for air then he surfaced. He took slow, deep breaths of air as he searched for where the angel was. She stood in the water, the end of her gown gathered in one arm and picking up small rocks in the other.

He began swimming again and quickly closed the gap in between him and the shore. He walked up the rocky riverside and removed his shirt. He rung the water out and started walked towards where the angel stood.


She hummed softly to herself as she picked up another stone and tossed it across the water.

Oh what her father would say about her standing knee deep in the river so close to the MacCarthy's side.

He would send her to her room and not let her out until her wedding.

Her smile faded.

She almost hoped she would be snatched up by thieves and sold as a maid. She could escape this land. She should run away during the night but she knew she wouldn't get very far with the hounds on her heels.

Just thinking of her betrothal made her stomach uneasy.

"I didn't know angels could frown." She heard a man say behind her.

She gasped and dropped her dress. She turned around to see a tall red headed man. He was soaked with water.

Had he swam across without her knowing?

She ran out of the water and grabbed her shoes and shaw that laid upon a stump.

She thought of her knife on her dresser in her room.

"A lot of good it was doing her there." She thought.

"Wait, dear angel. I mean you no harm." He said.

Did he just call her an angel?

She didn't reply, only glanced behind her as she trudged up the small path through the wood. She slipped on her shoes as she walked.

"If he's smart he won't follow me." She thought to herself.

She had the most beautiful blue eyes. They were everything an angel's eyes should be, deep and bright. He debated running after her. She was headed towards their territory.

She looked down at her dampened dress. If it weren't for that strange man she would be in the river still, enjoying the sun on her face and the riverbed below her feet.

She looked behind her to see he hadn't followed. Good. Smart man.

"Why don't you fly home little angel? Where are your wings?" She heard him ask. She turned back around to find him standing in front of her.

"He must be a hunter." She thought. His stealth amazed her.

He eyes held no threat in them but they were waiting for an answer.

"What do you want? And I am no angel." She replied backing away from him. He was making her worry for her own safety.

He smiled, "I believe you are. Never have I seen a lady as beautiful as you. You must be an angel."

"You are mistaken dear sir. If you will excuse me I must get back before they notice my absence." She stepped around him and made her way down the path.

"Dear angel, you are going the wrong way." She turned back around to disagree but he continued, "Heaven is that way." He pointed to the sky as he smiled at her.

She was surprised at his persistence. She took a moment to examine his green eyes and handsome face, not to mention his red hair. She then blushed and turned back to where her home lay.

Who was this strange man? She bet he was a MacCarthy. They have been known for their stubbornness, or that is what she had heard. But rarely did they have red hair.

She looked back one last time to see him retreating down the path, back towards the river. He was whistling to himself. He glanced back and caught her looking. She blushed again and hurried along the path.

He laughed as she blushed and continued walking.

Definitely an angel.


Thanks for reading Chapter 1! I promise this won't be cliché!
The picture at the beginning is just supposed to help you get a visual of the scene. Unlike the picture, her dress is much longer and the water is deeper.
Sawyer :)

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