Chapter 8

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"I did not know Mr. Cassidy was attending dinner. If I did I would have been on time. I do apologize." Rian said to his father, who looked incredibly angry.

Rian hoped it wasn't his fault his father was so unhappy.

"Do not bother with apologizing Rian. We were not informed of his visit." His father had not touched his food.

Rian was starting to get worried.

A servant dropped off Rian's plate and mug. Rian thanked the man and then began eating.

"He will be punished heavily you know." Mr. Cassidy scoffed, "Especially if Jeffery has anything to do with the lashing. He has been known to leave scars." He brought his cup up to his lips and whispered, "Even on his own children."

Rian's head jerked up to meet Mr. Cassidy's eyes.

Rian's father laughed, "Please we all know those are just stories to scare the children into not crossing the river."

Rian thought of the Angel. He knew she was a Dawley but how close to the main Dawley was she? His heart sped up.

"What do the Dawley's plan to do with the traitor?" His father asked, finally starting to eat.

"He has already banished the son. They do not know who the traitor truly is." He wiped his mouth with his napkin and placed it back in his lap, "Which is why I came here, to my most loyal partner, to warn you. If there is a fight coming we need to be prepared my lord."

Rian guessed by his mother's face that he was not the only one who smelled some horse manure. Mr. Cassidy had always been fond of kissing a donkey's behind. Not literally. Well at least Rian hoped not literally.

He was not someone Rian trusted. His mother looked at Rian and shook her head.

"A fight?" Rian's father asked.

"A battle. A war." Mr. Cassidy face darkened and then impossibly, he smiled. An evil smile that would scare the hide off the devil.

Mr. MacCarthy dropped his fork beside his plate. The room fell so quiet that when the fork clinked against the glass plate Rian flinched.

Rian's father finally spoke, "Who do you believe we are dealing with?"

Mr. Cassidy's hideous smile grew. "We must be prepared. Especially when the Dawley's plan of action is unknown. We may need to consider siding with the traitor."

Rian's father stood up, his anger boiled over, "You are out of your mind man!"

"Without an alliance we would not stand a chance against Dawley and the men he is allied with." Mr. Cassidy's smile faded, but his temper did not flare. He was surprisingly calm.

Rian's mother spoke, "Robert dear, I believe that is enough for one night." She took his hand and led him out of the room.

She left without a glance at Mr. Cassidy. Rian laughed under his breath when he realized she had paid no attention to her manners. She had not excused herself.

Mr. Cassidy excused himself and then left Rian alone to finish his meal.

Rian stared down at his plate.

It seemed they had a war on their hands.


Vi had slept maybe two hours. She hugged the shaw around her shoulders as she slowly walked down the path way.

Marshall was arriving in two days. Vi was still in shock of everything that had happened. She had to talk to Red.

She reached the river and sat down against a tree. She repinned her bangs into her updo.

She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

She could rest her eyes for a little bit and wait for Red.


He walked down to the river. His father had been furious after Mr. Cassidy left. His father did not know what to do. He could not risk losing his land, but an alliance with a thief? Someone who conned and stole was not an option.

He reached the bridge and walked across. It seemed especially quiet in the forest today.

He looked around for the Angel. He saw her curled up against a tree sleeping away. He laughed to himself. She looked so peaceful.

He sat down across from her and watched her sleep away. He wondered what had made his sweet angel so tired today.

She stirred slightly but remained asleep. He scooted closer to the Angel until he was sitting right in front of her.

He brushed back the hair that covered her face. He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.


She awoke to the feeling of something pressing against her cheek. She opened her eyes to find a pair of green ones staring at her. He was smiling his biggest smile.

"Oh. Hello. I am sorry. I just-" She stopped. Her cheeks flushed deep red.

"It is alright. I was just wondering what kept you up through the night to make you so tired today." He watched as she brushed over her hair making sure it was all in its rightful place.

A single strand had been caught on the bark of the tree and was now sticking up.

Rian reached over and gently brushed it down. His eyes flicked over to Vi's. She smiled and looked down.

"My brother is in a bit of trouble. I was just wondering if you knew anything about it." She hoped he did, for her brother's sake.

He looked confused, "Why would I know, dear Angel? You know our side's are not the best of acquaintances." He smiled.

"I know. It's just... my father can be... harsh." She looked down at the grass.

Rian stood. His mind flooded with the previous night's conversations with Mr. Cassidy. "Angel, who is your father?" He asked. He hoped and prayed it was Jeffery Dawley.

"I... I do not think I should say." She looked up at him.

He got on his knees in front of her and took her hands, "Please tell me it isn't Jeffery Dawley?"

Her eyes widened.

She nodded.

Rian's heart seemed to stop, his blood ran cold.

"So your brother is the banished son?" He asked.

Her cheeks glowed red as she nodded again.

"We received information last night that he had been banished on account of treason. We were informed he had made dealings with the wrong sort." He sat next to her.

"It's all lies." She wiped a tear away from her eye. "He would never betray our father. Even after everyt-" She stopped and shook her head. "He is smart. He would never jeapordize his family, his wife, his kids."

Rian wondered if what Mr. Cassidy hold told them was true.

"Apparently we might have a battle on our hands." Rian replied.

Vi gasped. "No. Who? Why- why would they?" She stood and paced by the river.

"Mr. Cassidy believes we should side with the traitor to better our defenses against the Dawley's."

She stopped walking mid-step. "Mr. Cassidy? Paul Cassidy?"

He stared at her, "Yes but how did you-"

Her mouth hung slightly open, "I am betrothed to him..."


As Nacho Libre would say, We're getting down to the "nitty gritty" here.
Sorry. I'm a geek.
Sawyer :)

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