Chapter 1

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A/N - Just a little note to you fellow readers out there, this is a story meant for those 18 and older. If you're of that age, perfect. Proceed to read. If not however, I suggest you not go any further than here. I don't want to get in trouble with any parents of any under aged teens out there. Just a warning for you trying to sneak in.

Questions or comments you wanna leave outside of here? Find me on Twitter under newfiegaljen78!!!



"You call this coffee? Some excuse for coffee this is, this tastes like swill to me!" Harry Styles said to the gofer who brought it to him. "I can't believe you even got me this, Derek, fire this sorry sod for me, will you?"

Derek just shook his head while looking downward and groaned. "Ethan, just take the rest of the day off, okay? Harry, we need to talk. Take a walk with me, now, come on."

Harry hated what Derek was telling him, but he followed Derek's directions. After all, Harry was the model and Derek was the manager, not the other way around. Harry may not like it, but that's the way it was, even if it bruised his ego a little bit each time he was given the reminder.

As they started to take their walk, Harry remembered when life wasn't all a bed of roses. Granted, he'd been modeling since he was just a child, but he never started doing the big time stuff until he turned sixteen. That's when Derek found him and introduced him to the major world he'd never seen before. From taking pictures in town to taking trips to Paris and Milan, and even places as far away as Hong Kong. It did two things to him: Open his eyes to the sights and sounds of the world, and to the world of drugs and alcohol and sex when he wasn't modeling. It was, to him, the ultimate life to live.

"Hey, Harry, Harry! Are you even there in that brain of yours?" Derek interrupted Harry's train of thought, making him snap back to reality.

"What? Uh, no, sorry Derek, I was thinking about something for a minute, never heard you."

"Ugh, Harry when will you ever learn? How many times a day are you going to do this to me?"

Harry pulled his brows together into a scowl and stared at Derek, with such fierce anger in his mind that he was ready to lose his temper. "Do what to you? Huh Derek? Do you even know how bad a day I've been having? That fucking bloke that gave me what he called coffee can never get anything right, I'm surprised he's still working with us, I thought I told you to fire that asshole. You never let me get enough time for a nap, let alone a chance to take a piss, my five minute phone calls I'm supposed to get end up thirty second ones, and to top it all off, I'm fucking hungry, thirsty, and I still haven't had my fucking cup of coffee! Where's Jackson anyway, why isn't he here?"

Derek looked at Harry with a smirk like karma was about to bite the guy in the behind. "You fired the guy two months ago, remember? For the same reason you want me to fire Ethan."

"And why haven't you fired Ethan, anyway?"

"I can't. I might be management but I'm not the owner of the company. You work for Windsor Modeling Industries, right?"

Harry rolled his eyes as if saying "whatever" to his management friend and sighed. "What about it?"

"Ethan's last name is Windsor. He's the boss man's son. But like all people, he has to work his way up to the top, and so he has to start from the bottom. He just can't be fired, that's all. Not by you, not by me. Only by his father. And it's a far shot that's going to happen."

Gucci, Versace, and Attitude - a Harry Styles AU Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن