Chapter 3

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Helllllo everyone!!!

Did you really think I'd let you know what was going to happen at the end of the last chapter that easy?  Hell no!!!  An author doesn't do that, what's the fun in that?  Heh heh.  So the question is, what's GOING to happen at the beginning of this one.  Well, to find out, you're gonna have to start reading!!!  LOL

You know the drill...



And anything you wanna ask me outside Wattpad, I'm available on Twitter as newfiegaljen78!!!

Enjoy this chapter,



"Guys, I think he's coming to."

"Oh thank God."

"I don't know, he's not moving much."

"He never does when he's lying down."

"So what, you're his sex partner now?"

"No, asshole, I'm his roommate when we travel, remember?  Smartass."

"Will you nimrods shut up?  He's opening his eyes."

Harry blinked his eyes slowly and let out a dreadful moan as he attempted to get up off the cot he was lying on, rubbing his sore head profusely.  He looked around to see Derek, Zayn, Niall, Louis, Liam and Melissa all in attendance, with Liam holding an icepack to his right fist.  He tried to recall what happened after he lost his temper.  Great, I blew my top again Harry thought.  Now what?  Are they all going to treat me like a baby?  I behaved enough like one, I probably deserve it.  Well what did I do to end up here?  Think, Harry, THINK!

"You okay laddie?  You took quite the nasty blow to the head from Liam there."  Niall was quite concerned for his friend.  They might not agree on a lot of things, and Harry might have tons more ego than him, but he still cared for his emerald eyed model friend, no matter how angry he might get.

" head.  How'd I get in here?"  Harry's mind was too jumbled to be able to figure everything out on its own.  He couldn't do it alone, he needed too much help.

"Um, let me see.  You took a swing at Liam and he ducked like the boxer he is in his pastime, hit me, knocked me to the ground, but not hard enough to knock me out because Niall caught me, Liam countered your swing with a right hook and knocked you out cold, it was priceless!" Louis crowed.

"And my knuckles are paying for it, thank you very much," Liam replied, pulling away the icepack to expose the swollen fingers from the blow he'd given to Harry's head.

Zayn stuck his bottom lip out to mimic an exaggerated pout towards his colleague.  "Aw, poor bay-bee.  Do you need a nuk nuk to suck on or will your own thumb do?"  The baby talk was enough to send Niall into hysterical laughter, and he used Louis as a bench to lean over.

"OW!  Niall - get off me!  You don't know how heavy you are on me, even for your light weight.  Besides, I took a nasty fall no thanks to Styles here.  And that reminds me, you took quite a fall from Liam's right hook, roll onto your side for a sec."  Louis tried to move Harry over on his cot, but he wasn't budging for him.

"Ah - Tommo, what the bloody hell?  What do you want me to do that for?"

"So I can check to see if your boxers split like I said they would."

Gucci, Versace, and Attitude - a Harry Styles AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now