Chapter 4

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@Well, well.  Didn't think I'd get this far this soon.  I've been a little slack with any of my stories lately, my mind must be on rush.

I'm hoping you'll like this chapter more, I put my heart and soul into these stories, and I want you to like them - love them even - as much as I have when I finished each chapter.

So the question that remains is, who smacked into Harry?  Here's where you'll find your answer!!!

And remember...



And if there's any questions or comments for outside Wattpad, you can find me on Twitter under newfiegaljen78!!!




"Son of a bitch, you dick head, why don't you watch where you're going?" Harry commented crossly into one grunting Liam, who was rubbing his nose bridge from the frontal face smack.

Liam furrowed his brows as he looked at Harry.  "Watch were I'm going.  Watch where I'm going?  You banged into me, in case you've forgotten, you're the one who made that wrongful left turn that caused you to get that double whammy bang into the trailer and then me, Mister Smarty-pants.  You must've been thinking hard about something for you to do what you did."

Harry yelled back in defense.  "You know I hate it when people get in my way!  Now nothing happened, and I didn't do anything or think hard about anything for this to happen, got that Payno?"

"Okay, God, aren't you testy," Liam mumbled.  He could see it was pointless to try and reach across to Harry in that argument, so he switched topics.  "Any case, Derek and Niall are looking for you.  Derek is getting impatient now and Niall is starting to throw a fit at all of us, myself included, so Niall bellowed at me to come get you.  He's even starting to do the same at Miss - Melissa, so you better hurry before he starts beating things up."

Harry let off a brief chuckle.  "You know he wouldn't do that.  He doesn't have enough temper.  He'd have to be extremely drunk to do that, and we both know he's sober right now because the boss won't let him work with a hangover, he needs a steady hand to work those cameras."

"Derek is always a little more lenient than you know."

"Who said I was talking about Derek?"  Harry tilted his head as he headed towards the site.

As the duo made their way, Liam brought up the evening's events.  "By the way, Styles, everyone's wondering if you're going to the New Year's Eve party at the hotel.  Zayn says it'll be the party of the century, 2016 coming and all."

Harry bit his lip, thinking hard over what Liam had just told him.  It wouldn't hurt to go, he thought deeply.  I could keep an eye on that little brat and have some fun at the same time.  He looked at his brown-haired colleague and made his final decision.  "Why not, ol' chum?  I could use a little fun tonight."

"Uh oh," Liam moaned.  "I know what you're up to.  Every time you behave like this, trouble follows,  and I'm not getting involved.  Thank you kindly, Styles, but if you get in trouble this time it's your battle."

Harry just huffed as Liam walked ahead of him, his mind starting to turn like gears in a clock. He had ideas now, plans on what he wanted to do that night, what he planned to say to Melissa, how he planned to get her riled up for a change. She'll never know what hit her, he thought slyly, an evil smirk developing across his face. He quickly dropped it so as not attract any unwanted attention. His plans had to stay secret, after all, no one - 

Gucci, Versace, and Attitude - a Harry Styles AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now