Chapter 3

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The crowded lunch hall was just like any other school's. People mucking around, screaming and hoes flirting with other people's boyfriends, feels like home.


"Hmm, yeah?" I replied to Visit, who seemed vaguely amused.

"I was saying how this must be your idea of heaven, what with there being so many fit guys and all "

"Or hell, what with there being so many fit girls and all," I countered - remembering my previous musings.

"Hmm.." Vi creased her eyebrows and opened her mouth to reply just as I pulled her forward.

"Queue's moving" I told her, before turning to the dinner lady and ordering a slice of pizza and fries on the side.

We paid for our food, and were walking to a table as we caught sight of Crystal waving to us from across the hall where she was sitting with Nate, Ellen and some other people I hadn't yet met.

We made our way over, and sat down, yo be introduced to Crystals friends, Joey and Evan.

As lunch progressed, I took in everyone and km new I'd just made some very good friends.

Crystal was the overconfident, comfortable with anyone, blonde. She was extremely pretty, and knew it, judging by her groomed appearance, but she wasn't the bitchy type - I could easily imagine her helping those in need - and just knew she'd be a good friend to me.

Ellen was the typical shy type - wavy mousey brown hair, big brown eyes hidden behind big specs. Unlike Crystal - who was made of curves - Ellen had a petite, slim figure. She was always quiet, and so naive.

Nate was every girl's fantasy. He had the body of a jock, but he was smart and funny, and always had a smile on his face. The type of guy who you could talk to for ages without conversation running dry. He had blond hair and blue eyes - my ideal guy. *dies*

Joey and Evan were so similar they were like twin souls. Joey had light brown hair with blue eyes, and Evan had dark brown hair with green eyes. They were typical jocks. Made of muscle, they looked like they spent all of their time in the gym - and the lord knows it paid off. Unlike Nate, however, they were... well let's just say they weren't known for their brains - but that's what made them funny, along with the fact that they'd flirt with everything that moved. With their perfect good looks though, the girls were just as fond of them.

All in all, the group were great, and as lunch went on, and we dove deeper into conversation, I knew that I'd made friends I'd keep for life.

"A perfect ten, round and juicy" I overheard Evan say.. oh dear god they're probably talking about..

"Stop talking about bums!" I screamed.

The whole table turned quiet and stared at me, then they burst out laughing.

"Well I was talking about this apple, but now we all know how dirty you mind is..." Joey trailed off, a dubious grin on his face, while mine was beet red. I guess I should stop zoning out in the middle of conversations...

After everyone had finished laughing at me, and I had to stop Vi from choking (lucky I learnt the heimlich manoeuvre!), Crystal brought me up to date on the conversation,

"We were talking about how you and Vi should come to the bonfire with us, on Friday night. The whole town is gonna be there. It'll be a great way to socialise. You in?"

I didn't even need to think about it - I've always wanted to go to a bonfire, and there'd probably be food so...

"OK I'm in!" I confirmed, and looked to Visit who had a grin on her face. This should be fun...

School had FINALLY finished. Luckily maths and physics were the only classes that I didn't share with Vi, and at least one member of the group were in each of my classes, so I didn't get too lonely - in fact I nearly got a detention in my first chemistry class because I couldn't stop laughing after Evan set fire to Joey's arm hair by accident - but still, school is school and I'll always be glad to go home.

Me and Vi shared a condo a few blocks away from school, and although I had a licence, I was yet to buy a car - so we were planning on walking home when Nate offered us a ride.

"I live a few blocks away from you, and your apartments on the way to my house anyway, so let me give you a ride?"

Me and Vi agreed immediately - I was wearing new shoes and I could already feel the blisters forming at the back of my feet, so not walking sounded like a great idea. And, honestly, who was I to refuse a perfectly willing fit guy wanting to drop me home?!!

We walked to Nates pick up truck - similar to all the other vehicles in this town, and waited for Nate to find his keys.

After a full minute of searching, with an increasingly worried face, Evan and Joey popped up with Nates keys hanging off Joey's finger. Nate went from worried to relieved to annoyed in less than a millisecond.

"Give me back my keys" he growled, but he didn't seem to angry.

"Come and get them!" Joey toyed, before throwing the keys to Evan. Nate walked menacingly towards Evan and when he was a foot away, Evan threw the keys to me. By some miracle of God, I caught them and as Nate took a step in my direction I shrieked and threw them to my left, where Vi caught them with ease - 'damn her athleticism', I thought with envy, as she threw them back to Joey.

After throwing the keys around a few more times - and with every catch Nate getting more frustrated - the keys made their way back to me. Just as I was about to throw them back to Joey, Nate steps straight in front of me with an evil look in his eye.

"Scarlett, I think you should give me the keys back now," he purred sinisterly

"Uh well, I don't-" I stuttered before he interrupts

"Scarlett I want my keys back."

"NO!!" I shriek hysterically, before throwing the keys up... only to land on Nate's face. Oh Damn.

As Nate rubbed his face with his fingers, hiss keys clenched tightly in his fist, I registered Joey and Evan's disappointed then eager faces as they registered the dubious glint in Nate's eyes.

'Shit. Better make a run for it,' I thought before turning on my heel and running in a full circle around the car... only to fall straight into Nate.

I thought he was following me?? Guess not. How am I such an idiot.

And before I could register what was going on, I was being tickled. Lord no.

The next five minutes were filled with the sound of my squeals, tickles are like laughing gas - you laugh to your death.

Conscious thought soon left me as I struggled to breathe, I registered that my knees hit the ground but couldn't feel the pain over the torture in my sides. The end is near. I've had such a short life, I don't want to go. At least I'll have the last laugh.

And then it was over. And now I was the only one NOT laughing. I took in NY new position sprawled across the floor and began to understand why.

"sound... like... a ... dying... pig!" Evan wheezed out between laughs.

I put on my pouty face and got up dusting my jeans and leant against the car door with me arms crossed.

"well, are we going or not" I huffed, before joining in the laughter. I generally can't stay mad for too long.

"Coming ms grouchy pants" Nate said

"Oy" I replied, before sitting shotgun.

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