Chapter 4

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The ride home was uneventful, there were a few laughs and jokes, and Nate gave us a mini tour of the town as we drove around, which served to reinforce my opinion that Beechwood was nothing like the hustle and bustle of the London streets i had grown used to, but whether that was a good thing or not was yet to be seen.

As we pulled in to the driveway of our apartment, me and Vi exited the truck. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to hug Nate, what with him sitting down and all, but we did make plans for him to collect Vi and I for school at 7 tomorrow morning.

After the elevator ride, Vi and I had made it to our apartment door, and I fished around in my bag for my keys. After a mini heart attack and then visible relief when my keys finally popped up from the very bottom of my bag - I so hate when that happens - I unlocked the door and let us in, seeking refuge from creepy neighbour Sid, I threw my bag down on the floor and shrugged my painful shoes off - ouch - before i cautiously examined the apartment to make sure we hadn't been robbed - growing up in the dangerous parts of London I had learnt that you could never be too safe - and was found satisfied on noticing that the apartment was in as much of a wreck as it was when we left this morning.

As my eyes raked over the apartment, I took in the sight I had not yet grown familiar to: on opening the apartment door, you were faced with an open plan kitchen, then a living area further down; the only thing providing any sort of blockade between both was an island in the kitchen.

To the left was a small cloakroom for coats and shoes, where Vi was now, judging by the light seeping in from under the door. The kitchen was a pale lime green, and the appliances were either lime or silver - very modern. The dining room was also a green, a pale, nearly cream, green - with white and green flowery wallpaper. The couches were cream, with green and grey cushions to match the kitchen. It also had a darker purple theme running through - to offset the green and cream, and give the room a warmer feel. We had no dining table, as there was only two of us, and we sat and ate on the marble topped island. At present, the room had moving boxes scattered about - and we had yet to fully unpack.

The back wall was covered in glass doors leading out onto the balcony, which I had yet to step out onto, what with me being afraid of heights and all.

To the left of the living room was a hallway with 2 doors on the right and a door on the left. The doors on the right lead to my and VI's bedrooms, while the door on the left lead to the bathroom- a blue coloured room ordained in mosaic blue and grey tiles, and a white shower stall - and of course the toilet.

Vi had her bedroom walls painted a pale pink-she has always been the feminine type. Our walls had been painted and furniture placed correctly, but we still needed to hang up our clothes and posters.

My room was definitely the best in the house. With velvety, expensive, textured, pearl coloured, white rose designed wallpaper, and red walls, it was just the right blend of bright colour and elegance - and red has always been my colour. The furniture was white and the only source of red was the walls and some occasional ornaments - I didn't want to make the room look too clownish.

After coming out of my daze, I looked up at Vi, who had started to root through the boxes in search of some plates and ramen noodles - all we had taken out were some bowls and spoons needed for cereal this morning.

I quickly made a move to help Vi with her search, and one we had found the necessary equipment, I boiled the kettle, added the flavouring and stuck in.

Minutes later and my empty plate and sated stomach made its way to the sink, where I washed while Vi dried.

We spent the next 2 hours unpacking. The apartment was finally in a bearable state, and we folded up the cardboard boxes, to be recycled when we could be bothered. The next half an hour, me and Vi took turns in the shower, bathing away the sweat and dust from those boxes, as we thanked God the teachers had been kind enough to not give us homework today.

We had a dinner of canned tomato soup and garlic bread at 8:30, before agreeing that we needed to go grocery shopping soon, as we washed the leftovers down the drain and put our plates in the dishwasher.

For the next half an hour until we got tired, Vi and I took turns calling home to let our parents know of our interesting first day before logging onto Facebook to find 30 wall posts from friends... I miss London.

After we'd finished getting teary over our old lives, I sat with Vi to discuss our day.

"Soo many cute guys" I started off.

"I knew you'd pick up on that, you never stopped rambling about whether you thought there'd be any hotties the entire plane journey," she said.

"Well I'm a teenager, and hormones are only natural babe," I winked at her.

She shuddered and I threw the pillow at her face.

"Oy!" I screamed while she laughed.

"But you and Nate really hit it off," she observed, "you gonna 'tap that'?" she asked.

"Haha, you know I wanna", I replied longingly, before saddening, "I'm pretty sure we're just friends, I've been in this country 24 hours and I'm already friend zoned."

"Awe my poor baby," she soothed.

"But what about you?" I asked, "someone must have caught your eye?"

"No, I don't think anyone will yet, it's too soon..." she takes off, and I understood.

Vi had the typical Romeo and Juliet relationship back in London - no exaggeration. Ron was a guy in our friendship group, and he and Vi got really close, they liked each other a lot - they were probably each other's first loves. But VI's dad read her texts one day and got angry that she'd been dating behind his back. He drove her straight to Ron's house at 10 o'clock at night, where he knocked the door down and had an angry confrontation with Ron's mother, saying her son wasn't good enough for Vi, blah blah.... he ended up avoiding her for fear of her father's wrath. She'd been heartbroken and that's when I suggested she move here with me.

On that sad note, I attempted to cheer up the mood with my infamous eye twitching funny face... oh I can be so attractive some times.. but nonetheless it made Vi smile, so mission accomplished.

After we'd finished laughing, i yawned and Vi suggested we go to bed. I never protested.

A.N. ... anyway.. I have a chemistry exam tomorrow ;( crying... don't know why I wrote this chapter when I clearly have more important things to worry about, but i guess i just felt like taking my mj d off it or something... anyway.... Thank you soooo much for reading, it means the absolute world to know someone actually cares, and like I keep saying, don't worry, I'll get to the point in about 3 chapters. Also, sorry if the chapters are short - I'm trying to make up for it by posting often ( 3 chapters in two days - must me a new record) but yeah...

Also, PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT if you liked it, it would make my day, week, month, year... f**k that it would make my whole life ;) yep... also!!!! sorry for the shit editing, I couldn't be bothered to edit it so if anyone just wants to casually edit for me, feel free to inbox me ;)

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