Chapter 6

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A/N: so this chapter is for RagingBunny - who was my first ever commenter ;) love her.. also she has a book called 'Female Wolve' so read it.

Also please read 'Awaken' by Ibrahim_Patel

k thx

Chapter 6

I overslept. Of course it was going to happen... i'm not fortunate enough to go to sleep late and still wake up on time, and now i had only 10 minutes to throw on an outfit and leave the house - luckily i've already brushed my teeth. 10 minutes sounds like a long enough time to get ready - it's not, especially when i havent picked out what to wear today...guess im gonna end up looking like a hot mess. The first thing my hand brushed in my cupboard was what i decided to wear - no time for deliberation. Luckily i pulled out my black off the shoulder crop top so matching pants with that was easy - black skinny jeans. I also decided to wear my bright red Dr Martens - to bring out some colour.I quickly layered my bottom eyelid with eyeliner and applied some chapstick, before brushing through my knotted waist length hair - ouch - and pulling it up into a high ponytail; luckily my hair was naturally straight so it looked good.

After i was ready, and with 5 minutes before Nate arrived, i poured myself a bowl of fruit loops - a luxury i never had in England, and had now grown addicted to. As i added the milk and brought the first spoonful to my mouth, i allowed my thoughts to wonder back to the scene out of my bedroom window last night. What i'd seen was awe-inspiring - i had trouble sleeping after as my thoughts were focused on the creature. It was mud brown in colour - average for a wolf - but what was unusual was it's size. I'm no expert, but this wolf had to be atleast twice the size of a normal wolf - it looked big even from the distance i was from it. If i had been standing next to it, i'd estimate that it would come upto my shoulders at least. It's eyes were black, but looked silver as it reflected the moon's light. After we remained frozen, staring at each other for a few moments, the wolf had turned on its heel and took off into the forest at a speed that was remarkably fast, after which i had made my way back to bed. The night had been quiet after that.

As my thoughts wondered, i came to when i finished my bowl of cereal. I walked to the sink to put away my dishes when i stopped abruptly.

"Damn it!" i screamed in frustration - i had gym class at the end of the day, and i forgot to pack my kit. I ran to my room and pulled out a rucksack from a corner somewhere and ran to my wardrobe - grabbing a pair of leggings and a long loose jersey t shirt, and some plimsole shoes. As i was about to put my deoderant in my bag, i heard the sound of the horn in Nate's pickup trunk - how i was able to hear it from up here i have no idea, but my senses have somehow been getting sharper lately - and so i rushed to get my schoolbag - an oversized handbag - and my keys, and i slung my pe kit over my shoulder before grabbing my lunchmoney off my dressing table and running to the front door - where Vi was standing, tapping her foot impatiently and eating a snack bar. I smiled at her as she opened the door for me, and we made our way to the elevaror where we pressed the button before stepping in and travelling to the ground floor where we could see Nate's rusty truck through the automatic glass doors.

I called shotgun, and sat in the passenger seat, while Vi sat at the back. Nate had some country western music of some sort playing lowly throught the speakers, and as i sat down, i put my lunch money away in my purse before turning to greet Nate.

"Good morning!" he smiled that million dollar smile.

"Is it?" i questioned in a philosophic manner, before consequently explaining to him about this mornings rush due to yesterdays shopping spree.

"Did you buy what you needed to?" he asked, about the latter, to which i briefly mentioned the groceries we had bought, and that i had bought a dress for the bonfire.

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