Chapter 6

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       "No." Emmett sat back, arms crossed over his chest. Worry creased at his forehead. "Why would you even want to talk to the girl who attacked us? It's insanity." Elizabeth leaned forward, staring at him from across the table in Emmett's living room,"So you have no desire to know why exactly she attacked us of all people?"
       "Well, no. Not really," Emmett said, scoffing. "Which is why, it was fortunate that the sheriff found us in time, and put her under arrest."
"Doesn't it strike you as odd that she didn't resist at all?" Eliz pressed on.
       "Why would she tell us anything anyway?" Damien said, raising his eyebrows.

       "Which is why, I have a plan."

       Emmett groaned, "I was afraid of that."

       "My plans are never that terrible."

       "No, Damien's plans are terrible. Your plans are just insane."

       She sat back, he arms crossed over her chest.
       "Just tell us your plan," Damien sounded resigned.
       With a sigh, she reached into her pocket drew out a small velvet pouch, which she upended on the table. Two gold rings fell out, landing with a soft clink.
       Damien looked at them, puzzled. "Your plan is to get married?"
       "Damien, be serious." She leaned forward, dropping her voice, "I pickpocketed the girl before we gave her over to the sheriff. Those rings belong to her."
       Damien caught them up in his hand, holding them to a nearby lamp to take a closer look at them.

       "And the plan is?"

       "Well, we blackmail the girl. The rings are obviously important to her or she wouldn't be carrying them around," She went on, "Especially, since she had nothing else on her, which means she probably isn't usually sentimental about things,"
Emmett took the rings, feeling it's delicate tracery, the strange thin lines carved on the inside of the ring.
       "So your plan is to interrogate the Shadow?" Emmett said, incredulous. "The one who almost killed us, might I add."
       Damien lifted his eyebrows, "I didn't know we decided to call the girl 'The Shadow'."
       Emmett sat back, "It's just what I'd decided to call her in my head." He shrugged.
       A smile graced Damien's lips. "You are adorable."
       "Well, anyway," Eliz continued,"If she still doesn't tell us anything, we break her out of the prison." Elizabeth said it simply, as if she weren't talking about breaking a dangerous criminal (who almost killed them) out of a well-guarded prison.
       "So we can follow her." Eliz continued,"And then-"
       Emmett interrupted. "Absolutely not." he shrugged his shoulders back, like he was preparing for an argument. "It's insane. Completely mad."
       "Emmett," she said, "It's a perfectly fine plan."
       "No. It's not. It's mad," he said, turning to Damien. "Damien, tell her it's a mad plan."
       "Elizabeth, it's a mad plan," Damien said starkly.
       "See," Emmett said, turning back to Elizabeth.
       "We shall work out the details later. Besides, that's only the backup plan," she shrugged, ''But we have to talk to her at least."
       "You know, this is what usually happens. You say, 'Emmett, I have an insane, suicidal plan. Would you assist me in carrying it out?' And I shall say, 'Why, no my dear friend.'"

      "You certain about this, Emmett?"

       They were standing outside the interrogation room, with the sheriff's wary eyes focused on them. Emmett nodded,"It shall be fine. We'll call for you if anything bad happens."
Something flickers across the sheriff's eyes. Worry.
       He frowned at Emmett, weighing his words. "All right," he says finally, reaching for the door, keys dangling in his hand. The door creaked open. The sheriff grabbed Emmett's hand, "Be careful,"
       Kona was tired. Anyone with eyes could see that, the way she slouched slightly or the bags under her eyes. But her gait far too smooth and sinuous than any normal person.

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