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Sorry for such the long wait!  But here it is...chapter 12!

Don't forget to vote and comment! :)

~ Danielle

(PS: The song attached is one of my all time favorites)


Chapter 12

I sat with Harry on the couch in his apartment as we watched Forest Gump in a comfortable silence.

"How was your trip?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"It was nice to see my family again." he said with a small smile.

'Awe. How adorable' I thought to myself

"That's nice." I said, smiling back; my heart beat faster every time I was around Harry. No one has made me feel this way before, not Niall, not anyone. Niall and I dated for a while, but we quickly realized that there was no way we could stand each other as a couple. We were just meant to be friends, and I'm thankful that we can still goof off and our friendship isn't awkward now.

"Yeah." he trailed off. "I got you something."

"Harry, you didn't need to get me anything." I said, taken aback.

"Well, I got you something anyway." he said, getting out a small bag, and handed me it. I gently opened the package, my mouth hanging open.

I looked up at him, and he smiled. "Do you like it? It's not much."

I looked back down at the Ryan Adams concert tickets along with plane tickets. After Harry showed me some of his songs, I couldn't help but fall in love with his music.

"Harry, this is too much." I exclaimed, tears pricking my eyes.

"The concert is so conveniently on Valentine's Day." he said, smiling lightly. "I was thinking we could leave the week before and I can take you to meet my family. Only if you want to."

I leaned into Harry a little too forcefully, knocking us both over. "Harry, I would love to."

I looked down at him, and leaned down to place my lips on his, feeling the butterflies in my stomach as always. "I love you."

He gently laid my body next to him, his arms around my waist tightly,and holding me close. "I love you, too."

"Thank you for getting these tickets." I said, blushing.

"It was seriously nothing, Ana." he said as I laid my head on his chest and snuggled into him.

"It's something to me." I said into his plain white T-shirt. "I'm already so excited for it."

"You know what song he is for sure playing?" he asked, sitting up with a small smirk on his face. I draped my arm around his shoulder, my face inches from his.

"What?" I asked, leaning into him and kissing him.

"I heard he's going to perform 'Stay With Me'." he said as I fiddled with the collar of his shirt. "Our song."

"Our song." I repeated looking up and getting completely mesmerized by his green eyes. "I like the sound of that."

"Me too." he said, breathing heavily as I traced my fingers down his chest. "I like it a lot."

I hummed in agreement, looking back up at him. "I want to listen to it right now."

I stood up, and grabbed his hand, leading him into his bedroom where his stereo is. He put the CD in, and took a few steps closer to me. I looked around the room filled with shades of light grey and walls decorated in posters of bands like The Rolling Stones, and wrapped my arms around his neck, while he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him.

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