Third Wheel

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Sorry for the short chapter!!!! Luv you guys!!!!

Your POV:
Y: Hey guys! It's me Y/N, and today I'm here with Cam and Nash, and we are answering questions from you guys!
N:I will be asking the questions because I am now the third wheel apparently.
C: Dude, your not the third wheel.
N: Sure. Let's just go.
You and Cam had been making YouTube videos a lot now. They are always so fun and always better with him.
N: Okay, so the first question is," Do you think guys always have to text first?"
C: No way. That's stupid because I actually kind of like it when girls text first. I mean, it's cute, it's like a sign that they really love you and they want you
Cameron looks at you and gives his signature smile.
N: Alright lovebirds, calm down. The next question is," Have you ever done the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti thing?"
Y: No. And I don't think anyone does that.
N: You guys need to do it now!
C: We don't even have spaghetti
N: That's what the store is for sillie!
C: Alright. Fine
Once you get back from the store, Nash is determined to do this, so he immediately gets to cooking the spaghetti. Cam goes to get the camera as Nash finishes cooking the spaghetti.
N: Hey Y/N, ya know Cam really loves ya.
Y: Yeah. Why are you telling me this?
N: Because all he ever does is talk about you. You guys are like a dream couple and we all love you guys so much.
Cameron walks into the room and gets the camera all set up as I get plates and Nash drains the pasta.
N: Let's get this show on the road!
Y: Oh my god
You gasp as Nash sets a huge plate of steaming, half cooked spaghetti in front of you.
C: Nash this isn't even cooked!
N: Broken crayons still color dork!! Eat up!!
Y: Oh my god I can't!
N: All right, that concludes this episode of ask Y/N!
Y: Yep! Make sure to give this a thumbs up, subscribe, and go subscribe to these weirdos and follow on social media for more cool stuff!! Byeeeee!!!
N: Cool Stuff!!!
C: Cool Stuff!!!

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