A Fun little game

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You were in your room playing your favorite game Outlast more specifically Outlast: Whistleblower and you had made it to your favorite part. "Okay... 3... 2... 1... And... Eddie!" You said as Waylon looked up to see Eddie staring back at him, grinning. Only rather than him saying "darling" and then entering the room to get to Waylon, Eddie looked directly at you and said "Darling!" And then made his way towards Waylon. "Probably a glitch or something. This is my... Let's see how many times have I played this? I think this is the... Ninth or tenth time playing. It would make sense that it would be a little glitchy." You muttered to yourself as you continued to play and made Waylon hide under the table. "You can't hide from me~" Eddie said in a sing song voice and you assumed it was a glitch or a bug of sorts in the game and dismissed it completely. And you managed to escape from Eddie for the time being before he found you earlier than he was supposed to. You just made a break for the vent and hid there and kept running to escape from Eddie but he kept up his pursuit. "He isn't supposed to be this persistent, why is he more persistent?" Eddie laughed and said "Come on out darling, I promise I won't hurt you." "He isn't supposed to say that." You thought and kept running and for whatever reason you knew hiding in a locker would only bring death. "Just keep running, just keep running, running, running, just keep running!" You said (I say this a lot too.) And made certain that you made considerable distance between Waylon and Eddie. Then the game glitched and showed a hole in the game and you found a mirror and looked into it to see that you were now playing as Eddie. "Then am I supposed to chase Waylon?" You thought and no objective came up and you were unable to control what Eddie did. He walked over to the hole in the game and examined it "Interesting. Perhaps I've been searching in the wrong dimension." "Dimension? What does he mean by that?!" You thought panicked as he entered the portal like hole in the game and it closed behind him. You were still in Eddie's point of view and you tried to look around but he looked around when he felt like it and what you saw made you sick with absolute terror.

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