Asylum Bound

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I'm so sorry for the lack of updates! Writer's block sucks ;-;

Eddie drove during the night while you were passed out. Once you awoke you found yourself in the place you never wanted to be in... You were in none other than Mount Massive Asylum for the Criminally Insane.

"We're here Darling." Eddie said. After all the atrocities that happened there you had no idea why Eddie would come back to that hellhole. "It may be a hellhole, but it's the only home I have." Eddie said sadly.

He carried you in. Some of the other "patients" gave him a look of terror while others gave you a pitiful expression. They knew what Eddie was going to do to you and no one wanted to be on the business end of the knife he carried around or the saw he used to make his... Brides...

You gulped in fear of what Eddie was going to do to you. You knew it would be brutal and horrific though. You looked around, seeing the poor souls trapped in this asylum with no way to escape.

You had a thought, Waylon! If Waylon was there then he could help you escape. He knew what it was like to be in the clutches of Eddie Gluskin. He could help you escape! However the problem was to escape... Eddie wouldn't leave you alone.

He kept you at his side 24/7 making escape near impossible. If only something could distract him long enough for you to escape. But what could take his attention off you? He payed attention to you at all times. You weren't used to the constant attention and adoration.

It wasn't bad but you just weren't used to it. You were afraid of what he would do if you asked him to leave you alone. He would probably kill you which you weren't crazy about that. Though the other "patients" left you alone in fear of what Eddie would do to them.

Eddie was extremely protective of you and kept you near him especially when the other "patients" were nearby. He kept you far away from Frank, Chris, and Billy. Simply because they would attack and most likely kill you if they had the chance.

It was obvious they weren't afraid of Eddie. You had met Frank only once but Eddie ran off with you before Frank could do too much damage to you. You were grateful for Eddie protecting you but you wanted to escape.

But maybe... Maybe staying with Eddie wouldn't be so bad. He took care of you and protected you from the more dangerous "patients" if they came near you. You didn't want to stay in the hellhole that was Mount Massive Asylum.

Maybe Eddie would take you home... No... No that's crazy. He somehow managed to take you from your home to Mount Massive Asylum. But how?! How in the universe did he do that?! An experiment by Murkoff? Maybe.

They were supposed to do unspeakably horrific experiments though. Opening a portal to another world wasn't their thing from what you saw. Maybe you could learn to live in this nightmarish hellhole with Eddie.

Again I'm so SORRY for the lack of updates! If you have a suggestion for a chapter please, please, PLEASE comment it and I'll give you credit for it

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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