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I do my best in all my studies to make my parents proud when I graduate. Even though being a doctor is not what I really wanted, my parents still deserves to have their wish granted. They made some of my wishes come true, it's not my turn to fulfill theirs.

My head is crammed with formulas and terms for tomorrow's final exam. I probably looked like a garbage dump, but I don't care, and Aubrey looks pretty much the same as me, which makes me feel a bit better.

My laptop rings, showing off a call from Ed in Skype. I panic for a moment. I can't pick up right now! I look like a monster. The ringing ended and Ed chats me instead.

Why you no pick up? Says the text.

I gulp as I type back a reply.

Urgh. Studying for finals and I look like Bellatrix atm.

There's a few seconds of waiting, then another reply pops up.

Hmm. Answer my video call, beautiful. :)

I gulp as my screen starts appearing with Ed calling me. I quickly comb my hair with my fingers and answer the call hesitantly. Ed's nose greets me and I can't help but burst out laughing while putting on my headphones.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

Ed finally shows his full face, laughing. "Just wanted to smell you."

I giggle. "Smell me? You're freaking mental, Ed."

Ed looks at me and I feel myself blush even though he's like a world away from me. Somehow, this video call makes me feel a lot closer to him since he left and I feel myself missing him even more.

"I really missed you, Chloe. It's so hard to be here without you. Stuart had to reject two of my songs because half the lyrics in it were your name." Ed says, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

I find myself laughing awkwardly. "I know you're making that up, Ed."

Ed looks at me and rolls his eyes. "Hey, you wanna hear a new song of mine? It's almost finished and it's one of my favorites."

"Are you sure? I-I should wait after you release the whole album." I argue since my blush is unbearable right now.

Ed laughs. "This is our song, Chloe. Please just listen to it."

My cheeks tingle with so much intensity that I just nod my answer. Ed leaves his spot for a while and comes back with his guitar.

"Chloe Lambert, we will meet again someday. I guarantee it." Ed says, then he strums an intro.

When your legs don't work
Like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember
The taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

And I'm thinking about how
People fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well me I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am

Ed stops and smiles at me through the camera. "It's not finished yet, but it's one of the songs I wrote for you."

"You're so cheesy, Ed." I say rolling my eyes.

"Is that a compliment?" He asks cheekily and I laugh.

There's knock and Ed looks behind him. "Oh shoot, my break's over." He says, a sad smile on his lips.

"Is this goodbye again?" I ask.

Ed sighs. "Wait for me Chloe, and I promise you that we will never say goodbye ever again."

I nod.

Ed places his palm on the camera and I do the same. It's like there's this little virtual space that makes it possible for me to actually feel Ed's soft touch.

"Good night, my love." Ed says, the same sad smile still on his lips.

I wink at him playfully. "Send me pizza and it might actually help me with all these studying!"

Ed laughs and stops when there's another, more demanding knock on his door. "That's my cue! I'll call again when I get the chance. Bye, Chloe." He says abruptly, then the screen goes black.

I stare stupidly at the screen, feeling empty. So this is what a long distance love feels like, huh? It sucks.

"Were you just talking to Ed Sheeran?" Aubrey asks, suddenly appearing behind me.

I look at her and smile shyly. "Keep it our secret?"

Aubrey smirks. "I can't believe it. My room mate is Ed Sheeran's fucking girlfriend."

"Shh! Easy with the curse words, please! And I'm not his girlfriend." I say shyly.

"Right he wrote you a song to be sung all over the world and what? You're just a friend? Tell that to the jury." Aubrey teases and I throw a pencil at her.

"Shut up and go back to studying." I say.

Just as Aubrey turns her back at me, there's a ring in our monitor. Aubrey answers it.

"Yeah?" She says through the speaker.

"There's a pizza delivery and flowers here for Ms. Chloe Lambert?"

Aubrey looks at me and grins. "She'll be right down." She says, then turns at me. "I overheard you asking Ed for pizza. And you're still not his girlfriend?"

I laugh as I drag Aubrey with me downstairs to fetch the pizza.

Five boxes of huge pizzas and a large bouquet of flowers meet me downstairs. I feel all eyes on me as I carry the gifts with me to the elevator, Aubrey trailing behind.

A small note falls as I place the pizza and flowers on the counter. I pick it up before Aubrey can see it and read the small text sprawled on it.

Darling, I will be loving you til we're 70.

Ps enjoy the pizza and go to sleep early. Xx

This is unbelievable. He's mine again.


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