chapter 1: me and my halbred

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Alya's POV:
Hi! My name's Alya. I'm a 16 year old girl, and I'm training to become a huntress!

My looks? You should know what I look like, because that's me in the media up there!

Anyway, my weapon is a large halbred as black as night! It can also turn into a majority of weapons.

Like dagger, sword, shield, and staff. My family was always proud of me for the weapon I made, but I wasn't quite excited about it as they were. I bet there are thousands of other weapons out there that are WAY better then mine. But still, me and my halbred never part! It can turn into a little pocket knife so I can carry it around wherever I go.

This year, I'll be applying to Beacon! It's always been my dream. And I think I'm up for it! Though having a painful scar on my leg can get in the way, my parents would say I'm excellent and that I'm sure to become a huntress.

I always hang onto those words.. when I feel like I don't stand a chance, when I won't be able to achieve anything, those words always help me realize that I just need to keep trying! I was bullied in my childhood, I didn't have many friends, only one.. she said he's surprised they would go after me since I have my big halbred with me all the time and those kids didn't have anything. But, I wouldn't dare use my halbred against those kids, even if it was just to scare them off. They tell someone and stretch the truth, and I would possibly get in serious trouble.

"Alya! Come on, breakfast is ready!" My mother called to me from downstairs.

"Not now mom! I have to finish packing up my stuff for Beacon!" I shouted. I didn't wanna waste any time with breakfast and be late to Beacon.. I wanted to be there as early as I could!

"Sweetie, you're not going to Beacon in a week!!" She replied. Okay, I might be waaay too excited..

One week later

"MOM!! MOM, TODAYS THE DAY!!" I screamed in excitement while sliding down the stairs railings. I'm finally going to Beacon!!!!! WOOOHOO!

"Honey, where's your halbred?" My mom asked me, I thought she would be excited that I was going to Beacon at last, but I guess she's just concerned if I have everything. I reached into my pocket and took out a black pocket knife. It expanded until it finally turned into a large, black halbred with big blades on one side and spikes on the other, at the end of the handle being my symbol and cool, fancy designs along the handle, with an "A" at the top in between the blades and the spikes for "Alya". My mother smiled at my gigantic weapon and I picked my suitcases back up and turned my halbred back into a pocket knife, and put it safely back in my pocket.

"Kadian! Help your sister with her suitcases please!" My mother called out to my older brother Kadian, who sas 24 years old by now, and he walked in happily with a wide, goofy smile on his face. He took my suitcases and headed out.

On the ship

When we got to the ship my brother had walked back home, so I was going to Beacon alone. My mother went to Beacon before me, she even had her brother help her with her suitcases too like Kadian! Me and my mom are the only ones in my family who have weapons. My mom is a huntress, her weapon Is a shotgun that can turn into many different guns like Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, and Bazuka (idk if I spelled that right) I guess that's where my halbred's ability to turn into other weapons came from.

My mom actually helped me make my halbred. I did most of the work, and she suggested things to add to it. But, she added surprises to it. She said she added more weapons then the ones I listed before and that when I'm ready for them, they will appear to me and might actually have an effect on my halbred's appearance depending on what it is and how powerful the weapon is. So I didn't make my halbred all by myself, and I'm glad my mother helped me. I dont have a name for it yet.

Anyway, there were allot of people on the ship. I kinda felt uncomfortable in such a crowd, and I spotted two girls obviusly one of them was WAY too excited for Beacon. But who am I to talk? I was super excited too! I even packed a week before I was supposed to hahaha!

One of the girls looked older, y'know, the excited one. She was latched onto the other like her life depended on it. She had long, beautiful golden hair, and mainly her clothes were golden like her hair, she didn't have her weapon with her. I hope she shows it on the ship so I can see it.

The other one looked younger, like, a bit too young for Beacon. Did she get accepted early? Lucky her.. I had to wait a year before I could get accepted into Beacon after finishing Signal. I think I've seen her at Signal before.. she had really short, shoulder length hair on one side which was dark red. She had a short black and red dress and a red hood. She wasn't showing her weapon either, which bummed me out because most of the kids in this area of the ship didn't have their weapons out, so I couldn't see them.

I sighed at the lack of weapons in the ship, and approached the window until a lady appeared on It like a hallogram. She looked like a huntress. It was cool to see an actual huntress. Is she one of the teachers at Beacon? She talked for a little about how we were chosen for Beacon, and she disappeared and everyone looked out the windows.

I stepped forward and looked down at Signal. My hometown was a little ways away from Signal, though I could still see, but barely because it was far away. "Looks like we're not far from home after all.." the golden haired girl said, I think the littler one called her Yang? I sighed and held my skinny arms.

"I wish it was the same for me..." I whispered, I got a couple pitied glances from people behind me, and as the ship kept moving and my home getting farther away until it was out of sight...I got even more homesick. I'll have to live at Beacon away from home for a long while. Will I survive? Or will I snap like a twig?

I was staring for a while and had closed my eyes, I let one tear fall hoping no one would notice then fell more tears. Then some kid behind me was gagging, and sounding like they were about to throw up. I flashed my eyes open, and the kid was a boy with blonde hair.  He was covering his mouth, and trying to get away from the other people on the ship. "I guess the view isn't for everyone," a girl said, either Yang or the red one,  and I giggled a little, feeling slightly better already.

Once the ship had landed, I stepped out along with other students and stared at the magnificently large and totally glorious academy in front of me. I gasped in amazement. And the students had their weapons out! My longing to be back home was blocked off by the feeling of pure amazement.

I saw the two girls, Yang and that other girl talking, Yang called her Ruby, so I guess her name was Ruby. A large scythe formed in Ruby's hand, with a gun at the bottom. My eyes widened. Okay, that weapon is WAY WAY WAAAAYY better then my halbred! No matter how many weapons it has! Ruby called it "Crescent Rose" that's an awesome name. And It fits well.

Since everyone else had their weapons out, I guess I better let my halbred out too! I flung the pocket knife into the air and it turned into my lovely halbred. People gasped and stared in awe which made me feel nervous. My mom told me which each step I take, things get added to my halbred. And it looks like somethings been added already!

At the end, there were large spikes along the side above my symbol. "Huh, thanks mom." I giggled, I looked back and a girl in white and red yelling at Ruby. I was going to tell that bully to stop until Ruby......exploded.

No, she literally exploded. A crater in the ground. I froze in my tracks, trying to process what the heck just happened. Then a girl in black came along and gave the white girl what looks like Dust.

Eventually that blonde guy that barfed on the ship came over and helped her once Yin Yang went away. I sighed, I wish I was able to talk to someone..

"Hey, aren't you the girl that was crying on the ship?"

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