chapter 2: a friend already?

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I turned to the girl, the girl in the media. She must've been one of the ones that gave me a pitied look. "Yeah.. that's me.." I said, my eyes were watering a little too.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah! Definitely. Just missing home a little." I said.

"Ah, I see. I have the same feeling.." she was homesick too. Now I feel bad again, not just for me but for her. She must live far from Beacon too.

"Sooooo, what's your name?" I switched from homesick to happy, excited to know this person's name. I might have finally made a friend!

"Titania." She said, she smiled at me and I returned the smile.

"I'm Alya." I said, and held my hand out to shake, we shook hands and started walking together.

"So, you have that giant halbred?" She asked me, I nodded proudly, "what all can it do?" She asked in add.

"Well," I started, then I turned it into a sword, then pocket kife, then staff, then daggar, then shield,  then back into a halbred "that" I giggled.

She stared speechless with her mouth wide open.

"You..okay????" I ask, she didn't say anything. "Titania, you're not broken are you?" I asked once again, she didn't say anything. "Titania!!" I screamed, she jumped and shook her head.

"S-sorry! It's hard to when I see a cool weapon, kinda like a breakdown. It's because all I have is a weak swallow that contains Dust." She said.

"Really?? It contains Dust? So does mine!"

"See? Weak compared to everyone else's...." she looked at the ground, holding her arm sadly. I walked over and pulled her hood off her head since it was hiding her eyes.

"It's okay... if it makes you feel any better, I hardly use the Dust in my weapon.." I smiled, she didn't look up. "Okay, not the best choice of words.. so, um..... your weapon is great! Not alot of people can make a weapon, and alot less of them make weapons like you. Your weapon is one of a kind, see those ninja stars placed into both sides? I've never seen that before. You were truly creative! Not to mention the blades sizes, design, abilities, and all the kills you had with that. You're not unoriginal, you're special. Everyone's special in some way, but only you are special in your way, Titania." Woah, my supportive side is kicking in now, I probably didn't do a good job though.

"Thanks, Alya, I feel better now.." SHE SPEAKS!! *cough* uh, anyway.. she finally looked up at me with a small smile.

"Good. We should probably get inside. It's getting cold."

"I'm warm, though.."

"That's because you're wearing a sweater, smarty." We both laughed together, "but seriously, let's get inside." I said more seriously. She wrapped her arm around mine, and we pranced into Beacon.

I stood beside Titania in a room full of students. We talked for a little, until Professer Ozpin coughed into the mic to get everyone's attention. "Ill..keep this breif," he started. He talked about looking at all of us and seeing wasted energy. Then Glynda came up and talked about our assignment in the morning.

"Professer Ozpin is weird..." Titania said, he did sound a, I nodded in agreement.

"" Titania, started, then yawned, "Tiiiirrrreeeedddd." She then finished, falling backwards onto the mat. "Whatcha doin'?" She asked, looking over at my sketchbook. I was drawing a portrait of Beacon. I didn't need to go outside to do it, I already memorized it.

"Drawing Beacon, I thought by the time we all graduated I would put this in a picture frame, along with other Beacon related things, and keep it as a reminder." I told her.

"Aww, that's sweet of you." she smiled, she picked up  a camera. "How about we make another memory now?" She asked

"You want a photo with me?"

"Yeah!! Of Course I do, you're my first Beacon friend after all." She smiled, I smiled back and we got up. She wrapped an arm around me, and held the camera in front of us. "Say Beacon!" She said, and we both said Beacon and she snapped the photo.

We looked down at the photo that came out perfectly. Wow, our first memory of our friendship here at Beacon..

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