Part 15: Welcome back

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So here I am standing in front of Cadness Hotel and I realized how much I miss this place, I used to play here as a kid with Hill and Gab.

I really hate that I'm incharge with almost everything so now I have to check in and get our keys.

I went to the front desk and prayed to God that no one will recognize me.

"Hello I'm from the Haute Couture magazine and I'm here to pick up our keys."

"Oh just a second maam."

She was looking at me intently and I keep looking down.

"Ok so it's six presidential suites for you. Here are your keys and if you need anything just ring us, enjoy your stay and.... Ms. Blair? Welcome back."

That made me widen my eyes in surprise and I told the lady to please not tell anyone about it and that I would like to speak to her later.

She agreed to meet me at around 6pm because that's when her shift ends.

"Ok I'll be here at six and please don't tell anyone."

She nods her head and I smiled at her.

I gave Athena her keys and she just turned away and left to go to the bar. Let's just hope she doesn't lose her keys.

"Ok guys here are the keys, let's follow the room plan we talked about, Luce let's go."

"Blair what was that thing with the lady at the reception area? Something went wrong?"

"What?! No, everything is fine, it was nothing. Let's go to our room, shall we?"

"We shall."

So I see the presidential suites are as lovely as ever. There are fresh flower arrangemens in the foyer and a giant chandelier in the middle of the room with a round table beneath it with flowers on it. There are plush furnitures and two rooms on both wings.

As soon as we entered the suite, I heared Lucinda gasp and cursed.

"This is the most amazing room I ever had the opportunity to sleep in, this is the reason why I love this job."

She ran away to one room and I swear I heard her jump on the bed. I felt really guilty to know that it's Luce's first time to stay in a place like this, because I lived like this for almost my whole life well before New York.

We decided to order some food and take a quick nap before I have to meet the lady at six.

My alarm went off at 5.45 pm and that will give me enough time to look somewhat presentable.

I went down to meet the lady and when I saw her waiting in the lobby, I called her and asked her if she wants to grab some coffee in the hotel's coffee shop, she agreed and off we go.

We sat on the corner in the back hoping no one will recognize me.

She broke the silence by asking

"Ms. Blair, why exactly don't you want anyone to know that you're back?"

Straight to the point I see..

"Uhm because i didn't come back I mean I'm here for business not for good and my parents doesn't know I'm here."

"But why wouldn't you tell them Ms. Blair? Oh I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything."

"No it's okay.. what's your name again?"

She laughed and said "You mean you don't recognize me? Im Michelle, Michelle Evans, daughter or Mabelle Evans."

"Oh my gawd that's already you Michelle? You're all grown up. Where's your mother? How is she?"

"Oh she's fine, she still works for your family, still the head of the household in your mansion."

"Ohmy I want to see her so badly, if it's not too much to ask, can you arrange for her to meet me? Im free tomorrow lunch."

"Oh I'll tell, I'm sure she'd love to, they all miss you Ms. Blair especially your parents."

I gave her a sad smile and "Thank you Michelle and please tell her she can't tell anyone I'm here."

"Don't worry about that Ms. Blair no else will know."

I hugged her and said "Thank you so much!"

"Ms. Blair you do know that when a staff is new they show us your family picture right?"

"Yeah I kinda figured that one, let's just hope that nobody recognizes me."

We smiled at each other and we parted ways and on my way back to the room I bumped into someone, and that someone hugged me like crazy.

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