Part 9: To tell or not to tell

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WARNING! UNEDITED! So please bear with me. :)

"Wow" was all I could say upon entering the famous Davis Hotel. Well hotels are nothing new to me as we own or should I say my parents own a few, but this one is just amazing, well ours too but this is just so American! It's so different from the ones we have in England. I haven't gotten the chance to stay in this hotel as we don't actually need to stay in one but this one is just American. It is really dreamy. He took me to the hotel's veranda overlooking the golf course. the pods and a theme park! This is like a dream, a fairy tale like dream where in I am the princess and  Daniel as the prince. I was so amazed that i forgot we were on a meeting. 

"We'll shoot in here and over there near the rides and also there to the forest looking side." said Daniel cutting my daydream. 

"Oh my gosh Daniel this place is so awesome! It's perfect!" I gushed.

Daniel just shrugged and smiled at me.

"Daniel, can I ask you something? You can refuse to answer if you think I'm overstepping the line."

"Hmm well it depends upon the question, what is it?"

"Err so if you are rich like this, why do you still do photography? Whereas you won't be needing it? I mean don't get me wrong, I mean no harm with your chosen profession, just purely curious. To add that you are the heir to this company right?" I asked.

"Oh that." said Daniel as he looked down.

"It's fine with me if you don't wanna tell me, I'm sorry I even asked, we don't know each other that much and it's something personal, I'm so sorry I just got curious." 

"Oh no it's okay Blair, I wan't to tell you. Well it's because I want to be someone that people will appreciate me for my own craft and not because I am my father's son. I want to earn people's respect and I want to earn money for myself, the feeling is just so rewarding you know. I want to be  good at something I love and for me that's photography. This is what I love and not running a hotel. Father is so persistent in making me take over the company but I refuse him all the time which makes me a huge disappointment for him. I don't mind for now though, because I am doing this for myself, maybe soon when he's older sure I'll take over but for now I wanna do this thing."

Saying that I was shocked was the understatement of the year, who knew that this player is compassionate about something too, now I believe in the saying don't judge a book by it's cover. I can totally relate to what he just said. I looked at him and I smiled and said "Wow! Who knew that Daniel Davis has a story behind him. That's really awesome Daniel."

He laughed and he looked at me in the eyes. "What about you Blair? What's your story?"

I hesitated for a minute but figured that it'll be unfair for him, I got a feeling deep inside me that I can tell  this guy my story.

"Err it's a really long story." I said

"It's okay I'm in no hurry."

Shoot! Might as well tell him.

"You know your surname sounds really familiar." Daniel said as he raised his brow as if in deep thought.

"Oh that. You may probably have heard it somewhere. You see I am Penelope Blair Cadness". Daniel's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Shoot! you're the heiress!"

I sighed and continued my story "Yeah you can say that. My parent's owns the Cadness Airlines, Shipping line, Cadness malls, hotels and whatever. When I was 18 they want me to take over one company but like you I refused because I have my own dreams, so I ran away from home a few years ago and did some jobs like a personal shopper, makeup artist and things like that but I also want to be an editor-in-chief of a fashion and beauty magazine. My mom said they will build me one if I promise to take over their companies but I don't want anything to be served in a silver platter so I ran away. I applied in Haute Couture and got accepted so I grabbed any position possible as I think that it'll be a stepping stone for my dream and I ended up an editorial assistant. It's really tiring but I love the job even if most of the time it's like a living hell for me. And oh I ran away with my two best friends Hillary and Gab."

"The two you were with at Carpe Diem the first time I saw you?"

"Yep the exact same two. We pretty much grew up together, same school since kindergarten till college."

"That explains why Gab answered most of my questions to you in a heart beat, he must know pretty much everything about you."

"Oh you got that one right, and he's very protective of me and Hill too, well mostly me but that's only because I'm not very lucky when it comes to relationships you know."

Daniel seemed to take everything I said in and out of the blue he asked me something that no one even dared to ask me about before.

"As a I recall you told me that you don't have a boyfriend right now, so when was your last relationship and how did it go?"

I stood there motionless and I felt like all the color in my face was gone. Daniel must have noticed my reaction so he said "Blair are you OK? It's fine if you don't wanna talk about it, it must be a tough one. I understand."

"No it's not like I don't wanna tell you, it's just that I haven't talked about it ever since it happened almost two months ago. I only talked about it with Gab and Hill of course, so you're actually the first one to ask me about it."

"Oh, now I'm more curious than before, but if you don't wanna talk about it, it's really fine."

 "Thank you for not pushing but we just met and I feel like you already know a lot of stuffs about me  and because of past events in my life I find it hard to trust anyone so quickly because when I do it ends up pretty bad, I'm sorry but I think I'm not comfortable sharing things about me to others I barely know except for the not so secret thing about the story behind my family name, well that is if the person knows about it already like you do."

"I do understand Blair, no worries." He smiled at me and I searched his face and I feel like he was sincere when he said that he understood me and I was kinda amused with that. Suddenly we were interrupted by my phone ringing..

"Hello Lucinda? Whattup?"

"Blair, Athena is wondering what's taking you so long, she's starting to think that you're not with Daniel anymore and you're just spending a paid time to roam around, get back here as soon as you're done with your date." Lucinda giggled and I rolled my eyes even if she doesn't see me. 

"Yeah OK tell her we're almost done and I'll head back as soon as I can. Bye Lucinda! thanks for the heads up!" I hit the end button and sighed.

"Hey what's up?" asked Daniel.

"Oh nothing Lucinda called to tell me that Athena is looking for me, she thinks I'm just roaming around instead of actually visiting the sites with you. We should head back now if we're done before I lose my precious job." I said with sarcasm. Daniel laughed and said

"Well OK I think that's about all, although I would love to spend more time with you, I don't want you to lose your precious job so let's go, and I'll call Athena's office to let her know you're still with me,"

"Oh thank you, you don't have to do that but I'd love to see you try, Lucinda will be thrilled." 

"What? Why?" he asked totally confused.

"Oh forget it, shall we Monsieur Davis?" Daniel rolled his eyes and replied

"We shall duchess Davis!" that actually made me blush but i quickly composed myself and off we go. 

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